Chapter 6

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A/N: Okay, so since the Internet has been down at work for a majority of the night (which is never good when you work for a dot com), I've had plenty of time to go back and fix the errors found in this chapter, and I figured once it was fixed that I'd go ahead and post it. So, here you go! On a side note, I've got my blog up and running. It's very basic at the moment, mainly because I'm still trying to figure it out. So, if you want, please feel free to check it out.

Design For Life

Ink to paper is thoughtful

Ink to flesh, hard-core.

If Shakespeare were a tattooist

We'd appreciate body art more.

~Carrie Latet



I'd had the day from fucking hell. My day had started off fine. There was nothing better than seeing a gorgeous man asleep on your couch, unless of course, said gorgeous man was asleep in your bed. He'd been so sweet and funny last night, but I'd been sure he was going to have one hell of a hangover when he woke up. I made him coffee, asked him to dinner, and sent him on his way. After that, everything went to hell in a hand-basket.

I was on my way to work when I got held up by an accident, making me twenty minutes late. I finally got to work, and Jake was PMSing like there was no tomorrow. He and Seth had had a huge fight so they weren't speaking to each other. That was why you didn't date someone you worked with. It makes it uncomfortable for the innocent bystanders who work there. After sending them off to work in separate corners, all while glaring at each other, I got a devil of a customer. Dude was a fucking prick. Kept ogling my tits and ass, making comments, and "accidentally" brushing up against me. What the fuck ever! I put dude in his place and threatened to cut off his dick if he kept it up.

Finally, lunch rolled around. I headed out, wanting to leave behind the angst and drama, only to find it in the sandwich shop I frequented. I was waiting in line to order a sub and the stupid little teenage girl behind the counter decided to test out her flirting skills on a guy who was so far out of her league it wasn't funny. I was getting really fed up with her as were the people in line behind me. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, kid. Do you think you try out your flirting skills at some other time? You've got a line of people waiting here," I told her, somewhat rudely.

She shot me a glare, which I returned, then she proceeded to ignore me. Oh, hell no. She did not just fucking ignore me! I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt, so my tats were on display, leaned over the counter, and gave her my most menacing look.

"Look, little girl. I don't have all day to stand here, so take my freaking order before I get your manager out here."

Her eyes flashed to the tats on my arms and her eyes widened at my threat to get her manager. Stupid kid. Reluctantly, she took my order. Once I had my sub in hand, I asked to speak to her manager. Needless to say, she wasn't too happy with me. I had a little chat with her manager and got a free sub coupon out of it. I ate my lunch quickly, then headed back to the shop. I was greeted with yelling as I opened the door.

"I'm so fucking tired of this shit, Jake!" Seth hollered, arms crossed over chest, face slightly red.

"Then why don't you just fucking leave!" Jake roared back.

I let out a groan. I didn't want to get in the middle of whatever their problem was, but I couldn't let them continue to duke it out in their place of business.

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