Öñē: The letter

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Taehyung took a deep breath in. It had been two weeks since the interview and here was the reply. The job was a simple thing, all he would have to do was managed times and make sure they were all up and at certain places in time. Who? You may ask, well the new kpop boy group called BTS! How exciting. Not really for Taehyung though he'd never really been into that thing and really just wanted a job that paid well enough for his poor grandmama.

He ripped the top of the envelope off and took out the letter-

Blah blah blah we are happy to inform you that you have got the job, we can provide you with a room and you can continue your work for uni in the building while taking care of the boys. We understand that your university course is important but this is a life long(ish) job and will place you with a confortable life style. Please pack your things, we will be by to pick you up and move you to your new house within the next week. Excpect us round at 4:30 next wednesday. You will meet the boys back at the apartment. We can also forge a agreement with your grandmothers medical treatments as long as you promise to work for a certain amount of years which will be agreed the next time we meet. I look forward to it. Blah blah blah-

Taehyung let out a breath he'd been holding it. This was great, he could keep going with his photography and art courses in Uni, not have to worry about the medical expenses pilling up and could get out of this dump he calls a home.

He looks around at the small one room apartment he calls home, it nothing but he can't live with his grandmama she needs all the space and can't afford anything nicer since his parents left him all alone.

This was a new chapter he thought, a new chance.

This was going to be fun...



Written: 13.04.19 <-- Homestucks
Published: 13.04.19
Words: 352

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