Chapter 20

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Jasmine POV

So basically all of us girls are back home in Detroit. I am annoyed as duck as Mario is driving towards his house. He has to check on Summer before anything else.

We already dropped Tammy off and Aniah.

I am sitting in this car with my leg bouncing up and down and my arms folded across my chest.

"Are you going to drop the attitude?" Mario asked.

"Can I go back to Atlanta?" He stayed quiet. "There is your answer."

"You should really cut it out. You are to mature to be acting like a little girl. You need to understand that it just ain't safe and I'm not about to loose you over some shit that could easily had been avoided." he lectured me and we pulled in to his driveway.

I quickly got his car, making sure to slam the door. I stomped my way up to his front door. I was caught by surprise when he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall he let go and closed up any space that was in between is. I was now looking at his chest until I looked up.

"I said drop the fucking attitude. Don't be slamming doors and acting like a little brat. You being in school is more important than some mission. Get that in to your brain. You so damn stubborn." he said looking at me. "And I hate that I love it." He said then gave me a quick kiss.

I smiled and watched him open the door. He needs to just take me now 🙌👅💦. I followed him in to the house and closed the door behind me.

He went to the table in the foyer and picked up all the mails that were there. His face changed and he looked...angry.

"SUMMER!" He yelled, going up the stairs two at a time. I followed him the best that I could. When I got to the top of the stairs, Mario was already busting open every room looking for summer. He still had the mails in his hand.

"Where the fuck is she at!" Mario yelled out of fustration. I came up behind him and touched his shoulders so that he could at least stand in one place.

"What is the problem? it's Saturday. She probably went out with her friends." I tried to reason. Mario looked like he would shoot Summer at this point.

"Ha ass ain't nothing but 12 fucking years old. She needs to be home and she knows damn well I don't let her go places with out my concent. A nigga leaves for a little and she done lost her fucking mind!" He stressed. "Look at this shit babe!" He said handing me the mails. "Letters from her school talking about missed detentions and unexcused absence! I'm gonna beat ha ass man!" He started to get heated all over again.

"Baby, maybe she has an explaination for this. Just don't blow up on her. Kids go through a rebellious phase and maybe she is going through that." I tried reasoning with him. He let out a heavy sigh and walked in to his room. He laid down on his bed and I straddled him.

"A positive of us being home is that I get some alone time with you." I said bending down and kissing him. He deepened the kiss and his hands traveled to my lower back.

I pulled away and quickly took my top off. Mario stared at me with lust evident in his eyes and smiled. He swiftly flipped is over so he was now on top.

"You're beautiful, I swear." He mumbled. He started to kiss and suck on my neck while I tried to hold in any moans threatening to come out.

I am gonna have some hickeys after this. I'm am so turned on right now. I want all of Mario. I want him now!

I started working on his pants as his kissed got lower and his right hand rubbed on my side.


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