Chapter 9

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Anthony POV

I have been laying up in my bed thinking about what I would do when my dad dies...if he dies. I am going to have to take care of Jasmine and my mother. I have to prepare for that. I can't screw up with Jasmine and have her doing shit that I know my dad wouldn't want her doing. I am going to have to take over my dads businesses and the gang. On top of all of this, I might be having a baby on the way. The ringing of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts.

*Phone Convo*

Me: Hello

???: Hello, this is doctor Mitchell. Is this Anthony?

Me: Yes. What's up?

Dr.: Well, I am sorry to tell you this but your father passed away this morning.


Dr.: Excuse me. Are you still there.

Me: The fuck you mean he passed!

Dr.: I am going to have to ask you to lower your voice sir.

Me: Fuck that shit! You call me saying my pops dead and you want me to be calm! I payed good ass money to keep him on life support but now you telling me he's dead! Fuck out here with that bullshit.

Dr.: His death was not because of us. A nurse went to check on him and he was found shot, twice. Once in the skull and once in the chest.

Me: What kind of damn hospital is this? Y'all let someone shoot a patient. This is such bullshit.

Dr.: We are very sorry for your loss sir.

Me: Oh yah? You can shove that fake ass sorry you tell everyone else up your ass.

*End of Phone Convo*

I threw my phone across my room watching it shadder all over the floor. Now, I ain't a punk or shit. I don't cry over anything...but don't judge me right now because I am shedding tears like a bitch. That is my mother fucking father. He taught me everything and made sure that me and my sister didn't want for shit. Now he is gone. Damn it! How am I going to tell my mom and Jasmine this.


I finally exited my room and went downstairs to find Jasmine laying on Mario's lap with her face in his chest.

"She been crying all morning bruh." He said while rubbing her back. I let out a heavy sigh and sat on the couch.

"Jaz." I said softly. She slowly raised her head to look at me with her puffy, red eyes.

"Shit, this harder than I thought." I said rubbing my face.

"Y-you been c-crying Ant?" I heard her ask. I nodded my head with out looking at her.

"The hospital called this morning. I'm sorry Jasmine." I said.

"No...NO! Anthony, stop it. Don't say it." She said covering her mouth with her hand as tears rolled down her face.

"I'm sorry Jas. Dad passed away this morning." I said lowly. She stuffed her face bacck on to Mario's chest and her crying started to get heavier. I started to panic because she has asthma.

"Yo, Jas, stop crying so hard. Calm down ma." I said calmly in her ear. It obviously wasn't working because she started to wease and her chest moved up and down visciously.

I got up an ran to the kitchen and rummaged through the medicine cabinet before I found her inhaler. I ran back in to the sitting room. I propped her head up with my hand and put the inhaler in her mouth spraying two puffs.

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