Quite Nice People (Avengers: Thor) Oneshot

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How come I’m so afraid of people?

Mostly people are quite nice people.

How come I’m so in love with people?

Mostly people are quite stupid people.

            I gazed down from the balcony, watching the spar that was going on between Tony and Thor. The two wrestled around on the ground, laughing and pinning each other in turn. I knew that Thor was holding back, what with his God strength, but it was still fun to watch, and I knew Tony was enjoying himself. I walked down the stairs, coming to stand beside Bruce Banner. I folded my arms over my chest.

            Thor looked up, blue eyes twinkling, and light blue met dark blue as our gazes connected. He flashed a fleeting, brilliant smile, then quickly and smoothly pinned Tony. He held him there before standing up, and coming over to me. He held out his hand. “Come on, Sutton. Try.”

            I hesitated, staring at his hand. What, he wanted me to fight with him? I was only a medic, barely trained in hand to hand, let alone prepared to wrestle with the blonde God who caught my interest from day one. I stared at the soft pads of his palm, wanting to trust him and just reach out and do it. But something was holding me back.

            “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said, so softly that only Bruce and I could hear. “Trust me.”

            His lovely voice was intoxicating, and I found myself reaching for his hand. Just as my hand touched his, a flashback shot through me. A shooting, my brother falling. My mother’s screams. My screams. My dad’s indifference.

            I jerked my hand away. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

            I turned and ran, ashamed to look at anyone. Why did I do this to myself? When would this stop?

Maybe I’m afraid someone will see right through me, cause I see right through you.

Maybe I’m afraid someone will see right through me, cause I see right through you.


            “You’re all patched up, Tony.”

            “Maybe a kiss to make it better, too?”

            I scowled at Tony, pulling the gauze tight enough to make him wince. He raised his hands defensively, though with some trouble since I had his wrist wrapped up and secure.

            “No need to get your panties in a twist, Doc.”

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