Anything for You (Star Trek: Spock)

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“Spock. Spock. Spock.”

            Spock glared over at Jim Kirk, narrowing his eyes at him in what he knew was an intimidating look, warning Jim off from irritating him further. He was very tense, and he did not appreciate the badgering. However, Jim completely ignored the look, as usual. It always amazed Spock how Jim could merely brush off Spock’s disapproval. “What do you want?”

            “Are you nervous?” Kirk asked, leaning back in the captain’s chair. He spun around, but Spock knew that he was listening for his answer. Spock forced himself to hold back an irritated sigh.

            “Hardly. It’s a simple mission.”

            “To get Rockell,” Jim pointed out, bringing the girls face to Spock’s memory. Smiling face, lilac eyes, hair dark as night, and curly as hair could get, surrounding her pretty face. Slanted eyebrows, pointed ears. Vulcan. Spock cleared his throat.

            “And the rest of the Vulcans.”

            “Thanks to Rockell,” Kirk murmured, turning back to his work, leaving Spock to think about the raven haired girl.


            “Oi, Spock!”

            “Hello, Lieutenant,” Spock replied, turning around, hands folded in front of him. The Vulcan girl in front of him smiled, whole face lighting up. It wasn’t something you see often, a Vulcan laughing freely, but the girl had been raised on Earth, and therefore couldn’t be blamed for her very human-like nature. “Is there something you need?”

            “No, I just wanted to say hello,” She replied, still smiling. Spock blinked, unsure of how to respond to that.


            “Do you even know my name?” she asked suspiciously, getting closer to him. She jabbed a finger at his chest. “You always go on with Lieutenant this, lieutenant that, but you never say my name! I know your name!”

            “Your name is Rockell,” Spock said patiently. Of course he knew her name. He wouldn’t soon forget the name of the pretty Vulcan. The beam that crossed her face nearly made him smile, it was so bright and carefree.”

            “Thank you, Mr. Spock. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m needed down in the engineering room.”

            Spock watched her go, hair bouncing around her shoulders, curls remaining completely intact. He shook his head slightly before realizing that Jim was watching with a curious look on his face. He shrugged it off and returned to his station.


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