Hello, Girlfriend (Alex Pettyfer)

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A/N: An old Alex Pettyfer oneshot that I found :) Enjoy!


Going to a movie set was by far the most stalker – esque thing one could ever do. Which is why when I saw cameras on the side of the road, I kept going, resisting the urge to slow down and gawk.

I pushed it from my mind, still driving. About a mile down the road, I saw a man with his thumb up. A hitch hiker. Should I stop? First time for everything, I guess. I stopped the car and rolled down the window.

“Need a ride?”

“Yeah,” he replied. The sun glinted off his large sunglasses. He wore a beanie, which seemed strange for the warm weather. I could see blonde hair curling up around the edges, and when he spoke again, I could tell he had a British accent. “I got lost, and it’s so bloody hot out here.”

“Get in,” I replied, reaching over and unlocking the door for him. Oh, my mom would be so angry. She’d ask me what I was doing with a stranger in my car. He slid in and shut the door behind him. I put the car into drive. “Where to?’

“Did you pass a movie site on your way here?”


“That’s my stop.”

“Oh,” I said, surprised. The man grinned and pulled off his hat and sunglasses. I could see why he was to be in a movie. He had a very striking face. A solid jaw, strong nose and sharp cheekbones that created planes on his face. His eyes were grey, lit with a warmth that made me smile. “You’re an actor.”

“I could be a techie,” he said, charming smile still on his face. I snorted at that.

“Techies are fat and unattractive. You’re too handsome for that.”

“I know many wonderful techies,” he protested, paused, and added, “You think I’m handsome?”

I gave him a look. “Seriously?”

“Okay, okay.”

I realized that I was going the wrong direction, and blushing, I made a U-turn. The blonde actor laughed.

“Way to go.”

“Shut up!” I was about to say his name, but realized I didn’t know it. “Uh, please don’t be offended, but…what’s your name?”

To my surprise, he looked pleased that I didn’t know. “Alex. Alex Pettyfer. And you are?”

“Michelle. Michelle Patterson.”

“Michelle,” he said to himself. I cast a sideways glance at him. “What? It’s a pretty name.”

It did sound much better when he said it. I rolled my eyes at him. “I prefer Mimi.”

“Alright, Michelle.”

I scowled. British men. Incorrigable. He seemed to find my reaction amusing. It was a bit unnerving having an attractive actor, British, nonetheless, staring at you.

“So are you from around here, Michelle?”

“Just moved here, actually,” I replied. “I never thought I’d be an L.A. girl, but here I am.”

He laughed. “Do you even know your way around?”

“I have a GPS!”

“And yet you pick up hitchhikers.”

“Actually, you’re the first one I’ve picked up,” I told him. A smile spread across his face. It only made him more handsome.

“I guess I got lucky, then,” he said.

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