Kiss a Ginger Day (Fred Weasley)

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“So,” Ron said from his perch on the couch. “Christmas at the burrow?”

I nodded eagerly. “Definitely. Wouldn’t miss it. You two are coming as well, right?”

“Of course,” Harry chuckled. “Where else would I go?”

“To the Dursley’s, of course!”

“Shut up, Paris,” He laughed. He swung his legs off the chair and glanced over at Hermione. “You coming?”

“Yes,” she and Ron said in unison. A secretive smile played across Hermione’s face, and jokingly, Harry looked at me, pulling a gag face. Hermione looked over just as he switched to a serious expression. She stared at him suspiciously, making me crack up.

“What!” she exclaimed. I laughed harder, shaking my head to signal I couldn’t speak. Hermione crossed her arms. “Paris –“

“Did we miss a joke?” the elder Weasley twin, Fred, asked, waltzing over with George right behind him. I tried not to change my expression as I calmed down. Fred grinned at me. “Evidently it was a good one.”

“Hey Fred, know what today is?” I asked. He shook his head. “Kick a ginger day.”

He didn’t get it until I came running at him, aiming a kick at his shin. He yelped, leaping away. “Not fair! Kick Ronald! Or George! Spare me!”

“No mercy!”

“When’s kick a brunette day?”

“You wouldn’t kick me,” I scoffed. I was proven wrong very quickly. “Ouch! Jerk!”

He ignored that. “I’m going to go pack. See you lot tomorrow on the train.” George followed him up to the boy’s common room. I slowly sat back down, trying to hold back a smile. Hermione raised her eyebrows at me.

“Aren’t you excited to go to the burrow?”

“Very,” I replied evenly. Harry was also staring at me strangely. Ron, as always, was oblivious. “I’m going to go pack as well.” I hurried away. I heard Hermione snap her book shut and follow me up the stairs. Mentally, I prepared myself.

“So what was that?”

“What was what?” I replied, smiling at her. She scowled.

“You know what I mean. When Fred came over…you changed.”

How had she noticed that? “I’m not a werewolf. I didn’t change.”


“Good night, Hermione,” I sang, picking up my clothes and shoving them into the suitcase. I’d finish packing tomorrow. Hermione mumbled something to herself, but retreated to her side of the room, slipping under the covers. I did the same, closing my eyes and succumbing to sleep.


“The burrow!” I yelled, running ahead of the rest of the group. I heard laughter behind me and I turned to grin at them. All of the Weasley’s, along with Harry and Hermione, tried to keep up with me. Mrs. Weasley was quickly running out of breath, but Fred caught up to me easily.

“Give me that,” he said, taking my luggage out of my hands.


“Show her to Ginny’s room, dear,” Mrs. Weasley called up to him. Fred waved his hand at her to acknowledge he heard her, then began carting my luggage off with him.

“Wait up,” I called, jogging after him. He didn’t slow his pace much, only enough so that I could catch up. “You walk too fast. You giant freak.”

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