Adeen Farklaw [E]

Start from the beginning

[ I'm a bit confused on what 'not always water' ties into. Logic would say it was meant to be part of the list detailing what she carries within her bag, if that's the case it should look something like '...carrying come spare knives, some beef jerky and not always water.' On the topic of her bag, what kind of bag? As in type, size and colour?]

Her right ear is pierced with a silver earring, and it is her most treasured possession as it is the first thing she bought with her own money.

[ If she were to lose it, how would we see Adeen reacting?]

Health: She had her left eye gouged out when she was three, though she doesn't remember. She's also had inherently low self-esteem her whole life, though she never really noticed until later on.

[ I'm still debating whether or not one cannot notice their own low opinion of themselves. I'll let it slip if we can talk about how growing up with low self-esteem has affected her growing up. Some parts of her personality back her low self-esteem up, like her helping the 'weak' but not wanting/liking to. What are some problems that her low self-esteem has caused her?]

After the first ever battle during a war that she experienced as a soldier, she lost her left arm.

[ How did she deal with the loss of her arm?]

She also suffered survivor's guilt, PTSD, depression, and she occasionally has insomnia-bouts that last a few days at a time.

[ It seems that PTSD would be the 'big one' for Adeen, most things seem to be pointing back at it, especially the survivor's guilt and insomnia, as well as with depression being associated with PSTD. So, it'll be best to go about tackling that first, before throwing on any of the depression or anything.

Some questions we need to think about when expanding on her PTSD are; What caused it? What causes the distress, a something or nothing in particular? Does she attempt to avoid anything that could resurface anything related to her trauma? How does it affect her physically? How does it affect her mentally and emotionally? Do her beliefs about herself change? Have other's beliefs about her changed? Have her beliefs about the world changed? Does this have any impact on her social life or daily functions?]

Personality: She's very stubborn and uptight, often apathetic, and unable to 'read the air'.

[ When you say 'unable to read the air', is this magic related or Adeen's inability to 'read the situation'? As in being unable to read body language or being able to perceive subtle clues in social situations? Just clarify what you mean by 'reading the air', it's only by chance that I'm aware of it being related to the inability to interpret body language and so on. After clarifying what you meant, we can move onto the effects that her potential inability may have.]

She rates things on a scale of "Weak to Strong", and doesn't really like people that she judges as weak.

[ Arguably, with Adeen's low self-esteem she would view herself as weak. How does she view herself before and after realising her esteem issues? What qualifies one as 'weak' or 'strong' for Adeen? Why does she dislike the 'weak'?]

Despite this, she often tends to give into her human side of empathy and help weak people, even if she's mentally screaming at herself the entire time.

[ In addition to linking this to her 'human side of empathy', we could also link this to her low self-esteem. In most cases of poor self-esteem, people feel the need to assist others in hopes of gaining assurance, this may also be a similar case with Adeen. She pushes away her true thoughts of the people she's helping in hopes of gaining positive affirmation/praise from them.]

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