Chapter 8

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Baileys POV

I look up at my brother who is almost speechless at what just happened in front of him. I turn back to Jack who's got the most worried look written on his face.

"What happened?" He whispers softly leaning his head against mine. Only he truly new what happened to Zoey and he'd be the only to understand.

"I saw Zoey" I tell him looking straight into his eyes. His face curves into confusion.


"She's with my enemies from a long time ago. She was never truly my friend" I tell him getting upset again. He wraps his arms tightly around my body and I do the same right back.

"Can somebody please explain what's going on here?" My brother asks pacing back and forth.

"Jack" Gilinsky starts and I could tell he was going to tell my brother everything between us.

"There's nothing going on" I cut him off giving him the play along look. I didn't want everyone to know that we had a thing going on, Especially because we haven't labeled our selves yet and I just got on good terms with everyone hours ago and didn't need things going south already.

"Yeah she just pulled me to kiss her because it would stop her panic attack" Jack adds on.

"I've seen it happen in shows" I tell everyone and they nod.

"Phew" My brother sighs "That would of be weird" I fake laugh and get up from the floor.

"I think I just wanna go back to the hotel" I admit and Gilinsky nods.

"Yeah I'm Wiped" He admits. Everyone agrees and we all decide to head back.

"How about we go get a nice dinner in 2 hours in honor of our first show." Cameron suggests. We all nod heading to our rooms. Jack shuts the door behind us.

"now that we're alone" I begin walking towards him.

"I could love every inch of you" He says pushing me against the wall.

"Wait" I breath heavily after disconnecting our lips.

"What are we?"

"Well I've thought you were my girlfriend" He smirks and my eyes light up.

"I think that's a great thought" I nod connecting my lips with his once again. Jack brought me a sense of comfort something I haven't felt in a very long time.

Later on we all gathered and headed out for dinner. We ended up choose planet Hollywood which was a really cool place. There wasn't a lot of awkward tension between any of us and I appreciated that a lot. Jacks hand reached for my thigh and slid up. I almost inhaled the straw from my drink causing him to chuckle in amusement.

His face shifted closer to mine and I could feel his hot breath against my ear. "I win" I glare at him slapping my arm right onto his dick. He bends over letting out a moan and everyone's eyes fall into him.

I remove my hand and continue eating my food like nothing's happening.

"You alright man?" Nash asks as Jack mumbles something under his breath. His hair was spiffed up perfectly and his face was crushed up as he tried to control himself.

"Doll that wasn't cool" He whispers again and I smirk proud of my self.

We ended up all walking around the city into multiple stores until I ran into that one girl who made me feel so shitty.

"Hey there where's  your hot boy" She snickers noticing nobody with me. I cross my arms.

"What boy wants to shop in Victoria secret?" I ask her as she she crosses her arms as well.

"Oh please do you really think you and Jack are going to last" She snickers. my face turns red. How did she know?

"You thought I wouldn't figure it out? It's pretty damn obvious isn't it. But hate to break it to you honey but I just took this picture and this definitely isn't you" She shows me her phone screen of Jack pressing a girl up against the wall of a store. His hands were on her voids and I zoomed in a little closer. I drop the girls phone onto the floor and go numb.

I rush out of the store tears brimming in my eyes. Most of the group was coming my way when I accidentally ran into them. "Watch were your-" I come face to face with Shawn.

"Hey are you okay?" His face softens. I wipe a tear away and spin around looking up to see Jack still with that girl. It was real.

His eyes meet mine and his face falls. Lauren. Arch enemy. I could care less where I was or who I was surrounded with.

"Fuck you Jack! Fuck you! I hate you! Don't you dare think you can come back into my life ever again and make everything better because reality check you can't! I told you my story and I let you in, and this is what you give me? Your a god damn filthy liar and cheater. I don't know how I thought you could be any different. What guy would ever like me the way you did? I was vulnerable when I let you in, I didn't stand my guard and I let my walls fall down. Little did I know you were another toxin added to my life. So good bye I don't wanna look or speak to you ever again you've made me reach my lowest point in my life and I don't think I will ever be able to forgive you for that so have fun with your new hoe I'll be packing my bags and leaving." I yell at him. His face cold as he try's to not show any emotions. Everyone stood quietly behind me.

"Bailey c'mon we can talk about this! Don't you think that's a little extreme?" He asks reaching his hand out for me. I yank my arm away.

"Don't you dare touch me" I yell angrily. I was more angry at my self then upset and angry at him.

"Let's calm down here" Cameron says coming in between us. "clearly some shit just went down let's not say anything out of spite"

Changing for the Better ➵ Jack Gilinsky ➵ UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now