Chapter 7

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We enter the room and all heads turn towards me. Jack groans clearly frustrated with actions. I step in slowly looking around at everyone. Glancing at Cameron made me uncomfortable because of that night.

"What are you doing back in here?" Jack asks annoyed. 

"She has something to say to everyone and you should all listen" Gilinsky says besides me and everyone keeps their attention on me.

"I want to start off by saying sorry. I know the person I have become has not been pleasant and I sincerely am trying to change that about me. There is reasons why I have become who I am but i'm not going to get into that to deep. I've felt like nobody has ever cared about me and that feeling I got sucked. I felt like a disappointment and I turned those sad feelings into being rude. I stopped caring about school and what time I came home at night. My partying got out of hand and I begin to change my whole personality. I developed into a person nobody could ever care about. Now nobody you know this but Gilinsky but zoey my only friend left me with no explanation. She's gone and I've never felt more alone in this world right now. The only person who's been understanding me is him and he's my encouragement to come in and apologize. I hope you all accept it and understand that I'm trying to become the real me and the only way I can do that is with everyone helping me out." I finish and the room stays quiet for a moment.

"If your sincerely going to change then of course I accept your apology" Matt is the first to speak. The rest of the guys I agree with him giving me small hugs. I look over at my brother who is sat quietly. 

"I'm sorry for everything I've said or did to you" He apologizes wrapping me in a tight hug. "Me too" 

*Magcon time*

I sat on the side of the stage watching everyone mess around on stage. I'm pretty impressed the crowd goes wild at almost anything. Now no fans know who I am so I've randomly been walking through crowd and they haven't recognized me. 

"hello?" I hear a voice yell from the crowd sided near me. I turn my head seeing to brown haired girls waving their hands at me. I stand up from my chairs and walk over towards them. 

"Hey?" I say in a questioning tone. One girl chews her gum obnoxiously and looks me up and down with a disgusted face.

"Why are you sitting next to the stage?" She asks snotty.

"because Johnson is my brother" I state and her eyes widen. "What you don't believe me?"

"How are you even related to him. He's never talked about you and look at how your dressed. Slutty. Your disgusting I hope your not whoring around with the guys" The second girl tells me. I scoff. 

"How old are you 12?" I ask looking at her. 

"15 for your information. Now please go and walk out of this venue with your protruding boobs out of your shirt somewhere else. Nobody wants to see that." The first girl tells me rudely.

"Go be worthless somewhere else" The second one tells me. 

My face falls and I walk away from them. How dare they say that to me. I go back to my chair to go grab my bag to go out and grab some fresh air. Jack looks over at me concerned and I give him a sad smile. He casually walks off the stage leaving the boys messing around. "where are you going?" He asks trying to place his hand on my back but I slide it off. I glance over at the girls who are shooting me daggers.

"What's the matter?" He asks looking directly into my eyes.

"I'm just tired that's all. I'm going to grab some Starbucks down the street. Let my brother know" I reply immediately walking away. I hate what I just did to Jack but whatever is going on between is a secret and I definitely couldn't let fans see that happen especially those two.

I walk down the crowded sidewalk slightly being pushed as I do so. I push open the glass doors of the Starbucks and scan the room for an empty table. My eyes then land on someone so familiar my hear dropped to the floor. I slowly edge my way towards them gaining confidence every step I take.

"Zoey?" I ask loudly. She whips away revealing her self and my arch enemy who had moved away in 7th grade.

Her eyes widen as Lauren puts on her signature smirk. I'm angry and confused. How could this be happening to me.

"What is all this?" I ask 

"This is betrayal my darling" Lauren says proudly with an evil tint to her voice. 

I whip my head towards zoey narrowing my eyes at her. "Where you even ever my best friend?"

"Have you ever heard of acting?" I gulp feeling my eyes begin to fill with tears.

" I told you everything!" I scream making everyone in the shop stare at me. I run out feeling the tears pour down my face. My body felt weak and I almost felt faint. The truth had finally came out. I was really alone in this world after all.

I ran back into the now empty venue as tears pour down my face and random sounds escape my mouth. Everyone must of been backstage because they were not anywhere to be seen. 

"What is that?" I hear Nash ask. Jack's head pops out and see's me in a distraught faze. He immediately comes sprinting towards me as I fall to my knees. He come's down next to me wrapping his arms around my frail self. I could sort of see the figures of everyone else coming to surround me. I needed the feeling of passion and love. I lifted my face up and towards Jack. I didn't care who we were with. I needed this. He would be able to calm me down. 

Our lips crashed together in a surge of fire that ran through my body. I felt him put as much passion as possible into the kiss as I could taste my salty tears running into my mouth. A whole rush of relief ran through my body  as we separated our lips.

Changing for the Better ➵ Jack Gilinsky ➵ UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now