Until Next Time

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Steve couldn't even think about what he lost, he never would've thought he would really lose someone so close to him so fast. He lost his friend, his brother, his family, everything. Steve didn't even feel like he was living, seeing your friend slip through your fingers and hearing his screams, Steve wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy, how can a person have all this power, strength and courage, and still let his best friend die. Bucky was reaching for him, and Steve felt like he was miles away, why couldn't he just reach a few more inches, why couldn't he just took the hit instead of Bucky, he could pull himself up back on the train easily, why did it have to be Bucky. Steve had to shake his head, trying to clear the negative thoughts that was surrounding his head. Gabe called it 'survivor guilt', and Steve believe that it was a real thing that he was going through. Steve and the 107th arrive back to camp with a solemn air to them, everyone at camp knew something happen when Captain America didn't come back with a smile on his face, no one wanted to tell him more bad news they left that up to CO. Phillips.

Steve departed from the rest of the unit wanting to have some time to himself, he made his way to his tent that he use to share with Bucky and washed up to visit Ramona, his only link that he had left of Bucky. When Steve was done, he was shock to see Peggy waiting for him along with CO. Phillips and Howard outside of his tent. Steve looked at all three and knew he wasn't going to like what was going to be said. "We heard what happen son, sorry about your friend." Phillips said without his usual sarcastic flair, Steve nod his head, "Thank you sir." "You know pal if you need anything you can always ask me, i'm here for you." Howard said giving Steve a pat on his arm. Steve gave him a small smile before noticing Peggy with a small bruise on her neck, "What happen to you Peg?" Steve asked reaching out to touch the blemish, before removing his hand remembering his manners. Peggy cleared her throat before answering, "Steve, there's something I must tell you, and i'm sorry, i'm so sorry, I tried to stop them but-" Peggy couldn't finish the sentence, she felt so much guilt and felling like a failure for not stoping Hydra. Steve really couldn't even think about what happen, he never saw Peggy so unsure of herself, this was a first. "What happen Peggy." Steve asked wanting to fix what ever made his dream lady so unsure. "Steve, earlier this week when you all left for your mission, we were breached by Hydra, the vet that was looking over our military dogs was apart of Hydra, he took most of our best dogs, including Ramona, i'm sorry Steve." Phillips said, wanting to rip the bandage off and not stall with the news. Steve looked at all three again, still not believing what he was hearing, "What do you mean took Ramona?" Steve said calmly, Peggy step forward and explain in detail what happen when he left. When Peggy was done with her explanation, Steve collapse on the ground with his head in his hand, Steve truly felt like he was in another dimension. He lost his best friend and his dog in the same time frame, what were the odds of that happening. "I need to be alone." Steve said getting up and walking away. The trio looked on as Captain America became Steve Rogers in their eyes who was dealing with grief that a single man shouldn't deal with.   

Steve was trying his hardest to drink his sorrows away but of course thanks to the serum, it wasn't working, after his pep talk with Peggy, Steve was ready for action and revenge, he wasn't able to save Bucky, be there's a change for him to save Ramona and he was going to take it. After throwing the bottle of liquor against the wall Steve went to the briefing tent to discuss his plan for taking down Schmidt  for good no holds bars. When the briefing was over and the plan was in motion, all the top soldiers was ready to go into the battle to hopefully end the battle all battles. Steve and The Howling Commandos got into place that they always do in every mission, everyone that witness the Howling Commandos in action was impress, the stories and rumors did them no justice the unit moved like a true machine, it gave everyone else the courage to really get down to business and destroy Hydra. When the climax of the fight was hitting the fan Steve was capture by Hydra soldiers and brought to Schmidt. When the reached Schmidt, Steve notice the vet that was at the base, 'Good' Steve thought, before turning his attention back to Schmidt. "So, you are here, you made it to me, congratulations" Schmidt said while waving his weapon in Steve face. Steve wasn't afraid he knew his team would come at the perfect time, right now he need answers. "Why do this, Why do all of this?" Steve asked making sure to keep an eye on the vet, who was smiling and watching everything probably thinking Captain America was finish. "If I told you, it would be a wasting of my time, now enough of this small talk, it's time to say goodbye Captain America." Schmidt said before putting his weapon at Steve face ready to end everything. Steve quickly threw the Hydra solider that was holding him in front of him before watching the solider disappear into ashes, if you want to call him that. 

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