Farewell My Friend

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The 107th made it to Austria Hydra base. The place was huge, a lot bigger then what they expected. Once inside the 107th was making their way to the cells, they notice some of their units men that they thought were to be dead was being held here looking worst for ware but still alive. Others they didn't recognize, Bucky and his group was put into a cell along with Dum Dum and Gabe the rest was scattered around the large area. Bucky was glad he had Gabe who can understand many languages so hopefully he can fill him in on what's going on. Dum Dum was talking dirty to a guard that was walking around almost getting himself hit, Bucky could also hear Jacques speaking in french, most likely talking dirty to other guards. Bucky had to laugh, his unit was truly idiots.

"What do you think is going to happen Sgt.Barnes?" asked Gabe who was looking around along with everyone else. Bucky couldn't answer, not knowing the answer himself, "I don't know, but it look like everyone here is ok for the most part. What ever these asshole have planned I couldn't tell you." Bucky said with his mind somewhere else. "What happen to Ramona? Did they get her....out in the field?" Gabe asked fearing the answer. Bucky shook his head, "No, I let her go before we were capture, I had to, I didn't want her to get caught with us or killed." Bucky said keeping a strong face but feeling his heart break, this was the first time Bucky didn't have her by his side. It felt like an empty spot was forming more and more and he didn't know how to feel. Not having Ramona by his side, it was to quiet, not hearing her clicking paws, the jingles of her collar, the occasional snores she make when she's resting her eyes, not having those little things around, he felt lonely. Bucky couldn't think about Ramona right now, she's safe and that's all that matter, right now Bucky have to figure out how to get out of this. He then looked around at the soldiers that's been here the longest, they looked wore down, like they've been through hell and back. Some look like they are on the brink of passing out, but all in all they were in good health considering where they were, what was Hydra plan, what do they want with us, what did Smith mean by 'Hydra Solider'? Bucky had so many questions running through his head he was feeling dizzy.

Tuning to some of the men that's been quiet he asked them, "Hey, what's been happening here why are the capturing us?" Bucky said looking at a solider who was looking down. The solider lifted his head looking at Bucky, then putting his head down again not saying a word. "Sgt. Barnes I don't think he's going to answer." Gabe said with a little smile, but worried. Bucky rolled his eyes, then he asked another, "Do you know what's happening?" The solider looked at them then said, "I don't know, all they do is bring people to certain rooms some make it out, others don't, the ones that don't make it out always go to isolation, we don't know what isolation do but no one ever come back." The solider then put his head against the wall not saying another word. Bucky and Gabe looked at each other, "How long have you been here?" Gabe asked, The solider then answered, "I don't know, to long, most of my unit are no longer here, some even joined with Hydra in a desperate attempt to survive, but they didn't make it so there's that." Bucky and Gabe looked at each other then turned around speaking quietly with each other.

"I don't like this Sgt. Barnes, what are they doing, with capturing solider keeping them alive and fed but then some you never see again." Gabe ask looking around the area, "What ever it is I anit going down with out a fight." Dum Dum said who's been listening the entire time, now feeling irritated with their predicament. "I don't like it either, but what ever their planning, it has something to do with 'Solider' Smith the guy who tried to kill me, was talking about it, I don't know fully what he meant but it must have something to do with that." Bucky answered looking at the Hydra guards walking around in circle. "Solider? what is that?" Dum Dum asked, "I can't say, I already said to much, I'm under oath to not say anymore." Bucky answered trying to desirer what Hydra want. Dum Dum and Gabe just shrugged their shoulder trusting their Sergeant.

Bucky, Dum Dum, and Gabe heard a different voice coming into the cells, they saw a very short leprechaun looking man speaking to one of the guards. "Gabe, do you know what they're saying?" Dum Dum asked watching the two, Gabe shook his head 'No' "Great" Dum Dum said never taking their eyes off the two. Bucky was also watching, wanting to know who this strange looking man was. Both the men was making their way to the cells pointing at certain men then pulling them out the cell dragging them out the cell area, some put up a fight then getting shocked, others just went with their heads down already defeated. When the two men made their way to their cell all three men stood back looking strong ready to fight with everything they have. "This one right here is for isolation Dr. Zola" The guard was the same one that Bucky spat on, so this was Dr. Zola. Bucky thought looking at the duo, with hatred. Dr. Zola looked to Bucky shrugging his shoulders, "Fine then bring him along, hurry up." Dr. Zola said walking away to isolation ward. Bucky was ready, he was ready to fight even if it killed him, The guards then open the cell making a grab for Bucky. Gabe and Dum Dum help fight off the guards from grabbing Bucky, they can hear the rest of their unit making a fuss wishing they could held, the other guards were trying to gain control of the situation.

Bucky was fighting and fighting hard, but with the guards having armor his punches wasn't affecting them, in the end they tackled him to the ground forcing him out and walking towards the isolation ward. Gabe and Dum Dum was cussing up a storm along with the rest of his unit, but there was nothing they can do to stop what ever fate Bucky was about to face. Bucky was looking around the halls while being dragged, once they made it a room Bucky saw John laying on a table looking like death and in a dazed. Bucky couldn't help but gasp seeing his friend like that. Bucky was hoping he made it out, was still surviving along side Red, seeing him like this Bucky wasn't prepared, he was suppose to make it home back to his father, becoming a war hero for the gal that he fancy. Not laying on a table with Hydra doing god know what. "Put him there, this failure will have to be moved." Dr. Zola said. Bucky felt rage, how dare this leprechaun fool call John a failure! Bucky went to charge at Dr. Zola but was held back by the guards. Dr. Zola jumped thinking the solider was going to get him, he then laugh saying, "What's wrong solider, was he a friend of yours? I hate to tell you but he is a failure, but you sir, hopefully you will be successful, Strap him then get rid of this when you're done." Dr. Zola said. 

Bucky was in so much rage, he tried to fight for John who didn't even make any movement, Bucky was cussing them out, struggling against being strap down, before they strap him down the guard that Bucky spat on walked over to John unstrapping him then throwing his body on the floor. Bucky couldn't believe what he was seeing, "This was for disrespecting me solider." The Hydra guard said before shooting John obliterating his body. There was nothing left. Bucky shouted in agony, John wasn't suppose to end this way, he was suppose to make it home, he was suppose to woo his gal, he wasn't suppose to just end this way!. Bucky was hurt he felt rage like never before, Bucky was fighting, he even knocked down a guard. In the end, he was strap down getting ready for what ever it was that was going to happen to him. Bucky couldn't help but to wonder, what happen to Red? All he was happy about, was that Ramona wasn't around, she's safe, hopefully she will make her way back to base. That was the only comfort that Bucky could give himself before Dr. Zola shoot him up with a strange substance feeling a burning sensation before blacking out.

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