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Bucky was in a haze, he didn't know what to think about, he didn't know where he was at, what he did know was that his body was stiff and sore. He kept trying to remember, trying to keep his mind strong, he keep trying to remember who he is by repeating the same thing over and over, his name and his number. That was the only thing that was keeping him mid sane. His body felt different, he knew something was different but wasn't sure what it was, he wasn't able to move off this table since he's been strapped down. He would dream it seem, he would dream of him being home with his family and Ramona, having a great time with some gal, enjoying his best friend and fighting when ever Steve get in trouble, that world seem like a fantasy now. Bucky never wanted to leave that world, but he had to keep fighting, he had to remember where he really was and not get sucked in the fantasy. Bucky wasn't sure if he really hearing commotion or if he was just imagining it, Bucky can hear gun shoots, shouting and running happening, he spotted Dr. Zola he thinks from the conner of his eye, but he wasn't sure. Next then he knew he heard his nickname being quietly shouted at him.

"Bucky!" shouted the voice, fighting against the haze that was fading, "Bucky! it's me Steve" Bucky heard again this time clearer. He blinked his eyes trying to see if what he was actually seeing was real. "Steve?" questioned Bucky not sure if he was still drugged in his fantasy world. Steve ripped off the restraints off his friend helping Bucky off the table. "Steve!" Bucky said very happy to see his friend, even though now looking at him, Bucky wasn't sure if this was a real Steve, but his face was the same so...maybe? "Come on Buck, I got you" Steve said helping his friend walk out the room towards an exit. Bucky looked over this Steve, as he steadily became more aware of what's going on, "I thought you were smaller." Bucky said wanting to make sure this was his best friend that he haven't seen in what felt like forever. "What happen to you?" Bucky asked as him and Steve was making their way to find an exit. Steve couldn't believe his friend was asking questions right now, but that was his Buck, it felt nice being with his friend again. " I joined the Army Buck" Steve said laughing, "Did it hurt?" Bucky asked out of breath trying to get his body to work again. Steve didn't want his friend to know that he screamed like a girl during the procedure and just said, "A little" Bucky knew his friend was lying but didn't say anything and just followed.

Bucky and Steve made it to a walk way hoping their way out was close, but was stopped by the man himself, Schmidt and the Roach. Bucky couldn't help but feel fear and hatred towards the Dr. Zola a.k.a leprechaun roach. Bucky couldn't get what they did to John out his mind, he was feeling the same hatred and anger as before, he was watching the interaction between his best friend and Schmidt. When his friend punched Schmidt, Bucky was surprise with the power behind his punch, Schmidt just shook his head mocking his friend before pulling off his skin?! Bucky was so shock at what he was seeing, 'What the fuck' Bucky thought seeing Schmidt face being pulled off and seeing a red skull?! "You don't have that do you?" Bucky asked his friend hoping he didn't have ugly secrets like being able to pull his face off! Steve was in just as much shock as Bucky, 'So this is what Dr. Abraham was talking about' Steve thought looking at the scene in front of him. When Schmidt was done with his theatrical performance, him and Dr. Zola walked to an elevator running away like cowards, "Despite what Abraham told you, I was his greatest success!" Schmidt said before the elevator door closed, leaving Bucky and Steve to fight for survival.

"We need to get out! come one" Steve said walking to a ladder hoping to get to higher ground from the burning inferno. Bucky followed finding it a little hard to breath, when both Steve and Bucky made their way to a beam Steve made Bucky go first. Before Bucky made it all the way the beam started to fall, forcing Bucky to jump on the other side then panicking, worrying about his friend, "Maybe I can find a rope or something!" Bucky shouted in fright, "No! Just go ill make it out!" Steve shouted back wanting his friend out of danger. Bucky couldn't believe what his best friend was even asking him, after Steve saved him, after everything Steve did for him he couldn't just leave him to die, "Not without you! i'm not leaving you here by yourself!" Bucky shouted keeping his ground on not leaving his friend, he already let go of one friend he wasn't about to let go of another. Steve was then judging the distance, taking a deep breath he made a running jump feeling the flames nip at his ankle then feeling them all around before making it to were Bucky was. Both men embraced each other laughing before remembering they need to get out of this burning building. Bucky and Steve ran out the building before the whole thing exploded pushing the two men a little distant from the force of the blast. Steve and Bucky sat on the ground watching the building fall enjoying the view.

"Did everyone made it out?" Bucky asked worried about his unit. Steve nod his head, "Yea I got everyone out off their cell, your unit is amazing Buck." Steve said putting his hand on Bucky shoulder. Bucky felt relieved that his unit was fine, "So, want to tell me how all this came to be?" Bucky said with a cheeky grin feeling great that his friend made it and was the one to save him this time. Steve took a deep breath before saying, "It's a long story Buck." "I think we have a little time." Bucky said sitting back wanting to know how his little sick best friend pretty much brother, became...this. "Well it all started at the fair, I must say I have great luck." Steve started explaining everything that happened from start to finish. Bucky sat there taking it all in, asking question in between, arguing with his friend about how dumb he was for taking a risk with the experiment from a German doctor, happy for his friend because Steve looked like he was finally happy being where he wanted to be in a new body that didn't hurt, a little sad because his friend didn't need his protection anymore. Bucky was watching the flames from the building, "Wow Steve, that's a lot, I wish I was there, I would've kick Hodge ass for doing all that to you." Bucky said with a small smile picking at the grass between his legs. Steve laugh saying, "Yea, but it was ok, when it came to using brains I had everyone beat." Both laugh thinking about the flag Steve oh so cleverly brought down. Both got quiet taking everything that one another have been through in, trying to digest. Bucky then moved his eyes around the forest hoping to catch a glimpse of his little girl, but Bucky know it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, a really huge dangerous haystack. Bucky sigh going back to picking the grass, Steve saw his friend looking around the forest wondering what he was looking for, Steve wanted to ask his friend what happen to Ramona, but was scared to find out the answer. Taking a deep breath Steve asked, "Buck, what happen....What happen to Ramona?" Steve looked at the burning building getting ready for the answer that may make him cry. "I don't know, I let her go when we were surrounded. I couldn't let her get capture or killed Steve, I couldn't. I hope she will find her way to home base, but-" Bucky paused looking back out at the forest again, "I don't know" Bucky finished. 

Steve wasn't prepared for that answer, now he felt hopeful, maybe they can find Ramona as they  make their way back to Italy. It was a long walk since his transmitter was broken so there was hope. " Don't worry about her Buck, i'm sure she's fine we may find her as we make our way back to Italy." Steve said with a smile putting a comfort hand on Bucky shoulder. Bucky couldn't help but to feel a little hope. His friend was right, Ramona was still out there somewhere, she's smart, she know to stay away from the enemy, maybe he will find his little girl again, it was a long walk so there's always hope. Bucky then smiled back saying, "You're right, let's get going before the unit get frantic thinking we're dead." Bucky and Steve both got up off the ground looking at the burning Hydra base one last time. Bucky was sadden about John wishing he could've gotten his friend out with him. Giving a silent prayer hoping John can forgive him Bucky and Steve made their way back to the 107th, getting ready for a long journey.

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