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The Howling Commandos were getting ready to leave on another venture, Steve made sure all the planning was in order ahead of time considering this mission would be pretty tough, a moving train wasn't anything to allow small slip up, they learned that the hard way. Bucky been at Ramona side for the last two days, the vet was keeping her sleep and mostly drugged due to her injuries, whenever Bucky was with her he would talk with her and give her love letting her know that he was their and she wasn't alone. Ramona would be to drugged to really respond like she normally will, but sometime she fight through the fog and give a small lick to Bucky hand before going back to a drug induce sleep. Bucky hated seeing her in so much pain, he felt guilty for even bring her along with him, to selfish to do this alone, but it was too late to think that way now, they were here and there was nothing anyone can do to chance it. Bucky sigh looking at himself in the mirror before heading into the vet tent to say goodbye to Ramona.

Bucky was making his way to the tent before spotting everyone getting the vehicles ready. Steve met him at the vet tent entry, "Hey Buck, you ready to go." Bucky nod feeling empty that he had to leave his best girl behind for the first time in a long time, going into a war without her beside him was making him feel extremely alone, Steve was with him so that help a lot but not having Ramona was a different type of loneliest. Ramona was his partner in everything, she was there through thick and thin it wasn't right going on a mission alone. "Yea pal, just saying goodbye to her then i'll meet you all there." Bucky said with a smile making his way to the tent not wanting to waste another minute. Steve nod,"Ok, I said goodbye to her already, she's really out of it today, the vet said he gave her sensitive just a while ago." Bucky nod feeling angry that the vet keep Ramona so drugged, but her injuries were pretty bad so he guess it's for the best. "I'll be over in a bit Steve." Bucky said, before closing the flap. Bucky made his way over to Ramona part of the tent and petting her on her head. "I'm leaving girl, i'll be back before you know it I promise, when I do come back i'm taking you out of here then we can eat all the bologna that our stomach can hold ok." Bucky whispered to Ramona giving her a final kiss between her eyes before resting his forehead on hers. Ramona whine a little in her drugged induce state, Bucky think that she can hear him and know she's mad that he's leaving her behind like she use to get back at home. Bucky smiled before leaving, the vet was walking through writing on a clipboard before putting down the board giving Bucky a snooty look over. "So you're leaving, don't worry about her she will fine, by the time you come back she maybe out of here in half health I would say." The said to Bucky before walking away muttering to himself. Bucky didn't understand what the vet was saying and just left him to his own device. Bucky gave Ramona one last look before walking out promising that he will make it back to her. Bucky made his way to the others ready to get this mission over and done with. "Ready Buck?" Steve asked "Ready let's go the quicker we leave the quicker we can come back." Bucky said hopping behind the vehicle grabbing his favorite gun and resting it on his leg. Steve nod giving the driver the command to roll out to stop a train that had the man in question. Bucky looked at the base as it was getting smaller and smaller feeling like he was leaving his heart behind and his other half, "I'll be back Ramona." Bucky thought before the base was out of view and the 107th was heading to the mountains.

The vet was looking out the tent entrance before looking back to his assistant, "Ok they're gone get the animals ready for transport." The vet said walking around the tent collection all the paperwork he will need to finish his experiments. "Yes sir, it's about time they left, that Barnes kid just couldn't stay out of here." The assistant said moving different dogs from their crate to the vehicle. "Yes, that was a bugger, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one, when I first saw her in that slum Brooklyn I knew I had to get my hands on her, she's the perfect size with a massive head very nice indeed!" The vet said rubbing Ramona head, "I had to keep her sleep, I knew if she ever fully wake I would loose my chance with her, but now it's the perfect time, we set this up very well." The vet said with a wide smile drool falling out his mouth, "Hurry up! before everyone walk out and spot us leaving." The assistant rushed getting every dog he can get his hand on to the transport vehicle. "If that jughead Smith didn't screw up with his jealousy  this operation could've went better, but I guess her getting hurt worked out in the end so it don't matter." The assistant said with a huff of breath thinking about their fail plan. The vet scuffed, "Please that simpleton was just a snag in Hydra plans, no one care about failures that's why he will rot! Hydra will make sure of that. Now let's move this beauty out of here I can't wait to leave this disgusting place and get back with Mr. Schmidt in my lab." The vet said pushing Ramona table to the vehicle locking the table in place. "Ok sir, we are don-" The assistant started before a voice came shouting, "Hey! what are you two doing!" Peggy yelled watching the two place the dogs in crates and in the vehicle. The vet and assistant looked to one another before the assistant spoke up, "We are just moving them so we can clean the tent, that's all ma'am." Peggy looked at the two, "You take me for a fool then, get them out now or you will be sorry." Peggy said with a glare and her gun drawn. "Listen little lady, believe me you don't want to point that gun at us, it's not a toy so put it down." The vet said walking forward trying to intimidate the woman that was getting on his nerves.

Peggy wasn't intimidate, not the slightest, with the gun still pointed she sternly said, "No, those are U.S. Military property put those animals back and leave! I'm not going to say it aga-" Peggy started before she felt a piercing on her neck before seeing her surrounding go blurry then black. The vet and assistant looked at the woman who passed out in front of them before looking at their undercover solider, "She didn't believe you" The solider stated before walking to the vehicle, "Let's go you two, time is wasting." Both the vet and assistant ran quickly to the vehicle, "Let's go we have a train to catch!" The vet said as they pilled out the base almost running over the guards. The guards looked at the vehicle leaving base before turning their head and spotting  Peggy on the ground, they rushed over helping Peggy off the ground, "Quick, get CO. Phillips we've had a breach!" One of the guard said picking up Peggy and running over to the medical tent. The whole base was in an uproar, no one saw this coming, no one expected Hydra to be in their home base, they didn't think Hydra was so bold, once again Hydra won and this time they took most of their most valuable assets, their military dogs.

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