Happy Birthday Bucky

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It's been two months since the passing of Mrs. Rogers, Steve haven't been the same carefree guy that he once was but no one expected him to after losing his last family member. Even so Steve kept his promise to his mother and have finished his first semester of Art College, with the help from Bucky who also made sure Steve stayed on the right track to graduating and getting his Art Degree. A lot of people don't know but Bucky is a really smart guy who don't get enough credit, for Bucky that was ok never wanting to be at the forefront of attention when it came to his smarts, but never the less he knew what he was talking when it came to calculus, and for Steve that was a huge advantage. Passing his classes and getting ready for Bucky Birthday, Steve wanted to make sure he gave Bucky the ultimate gift not only for his birthday but also for being there for him when he need his friend most. Between classes and holiday break Steve was working on what he will consider his best work to date. When ever Bucky was out with Connie or working, Steve took the time to draw a realistic picture of Ramona. Getting the dog to sit still was work but Steve worked out the perfect the solution that made the playful dog sit still, the solution was called bologna.

Ramona couldn't get enough of that stuff. When working on her profile Steve made sure to keep the bologna in his mouth so that Ramona was giving an intense stare to her eyes that really made her portrait pop. Steve couldn't wait to see his friend reaction to the drawing given it took Steve six months to complete. Hearing the doorbell ring in his and Bucky's apartment and hearing Ramona barking at the door Steve knew that the guest was here for Bucky surprise party. Running to the door grabbing hold of Ramona collar he opened the door to see Mrs. Barnes and Rebecca with the cake and balloons. "Hey Steve, sorry we are a little late the cake took a little longer to cool and ice but we ran as quick as we could. Hello Ramona yes I miss you too." Said Mrs. Barnes walking to the boys kitchen putting down her things along with the cake and gift.  Rebecca put her coat on the hook, then making her way to the kitchen to help her mother setup giving Ramona a few pets. Ramona was going crazy as if she didn't just see them three days ago. Steve asked following the ladies "Do you need any help, I can set up while you ladies finish with the snacks." "Yes, please Steve everything you need is over there." Mrs. Barnes said putting the food that she prepared the night before in the oven. "Rebecca help Steve dear." Rebecca nod to her mother walking to the living room with Steve to help setup and move furniture.

"Rebecca i'll move the furniture you just go ahead and setup the balloons and snack table." Steve said getting to work on the couch that was looking twice his size. Rebecca rolled her eyes at the man and said "Steve we can work together it's fine, you guys don't have a lot furniture." Rebecca and Steve started to move around things so that the guest can have enough room to enjoy themselves and not feel to cramp in the space. Steve letting out a breath turned the girl that was his little sister and said "Well thanks for the help, couldn't have done that without you." Rebecca stood with her hands on her hips looking very proud, "Well of course you couldn't a lot of men can't do things without us women." Smiling that famous Barnes smile to Steve then walking over to get the snacks ready next. "So Becca, have you told Bucky that Braxton was coming?" Rebecca turned around looking to Steve with a sheepish smile twirling here thumbs, "No, I figure that it's none of his business." Rebecca said knowing how her will brother will probably do the same trick to Braxton that he did with Mr. Wade all those months ago, and with Ramona at her full grown size, the trick wouldn't be as funny. Steve smiled at the girl and said "Well, I guess thinking about what happen last time another male took his family out it didn't end will. Ramona is pretty scary when Bucky give that command to her." Looking to the kitchen both Rebecca and Steve was watching Mrs. Barnes working around the kitchen with Ramona following behind her doing tricks in hopes of getting a few treats. Both Rebecca and Steve had to laugh, hard for them to think that Ramona have a different side to her with the right command.

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