A well Deserved Hero

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The 107th, Bucky, and Steve could finally see their Italy home base, it was such a long walk for everyone the injured was healing well but still needed true medical attention, people were hungry, everyone was just happy to see the light at the end of the tunnel. With one last day of travel ahead of them everyone gained a second wind feeling that can take on anything. "Let's set up camp here, by tomorrow we will be home." Steve said. Everyone got settle while gathering remaining supplies that was going low from the Hydra base. Bucky was glad to be off his feet, the unit didn't stop walking, Steve knew they weren't far and was pushing everyone to walk farther and farther everyday, it was great considering they made it to Italy it what felt like a short time on foot. Bucky didn't mind handing the reigns to Steve, it gave him a break mentally, plus Steve was a natural leader and with his super solider aspects, taking out small camps that they come across was a piece a cake. Bucky stomach growled at him telling him,'Hey you up there feed me!' Bucky complied taking out his rations and started eating. Steve walked over to him sitting down with him eyeing the unit who was setting up camp and some gathering water.

"How you doing Buck?" Steve asked worried about his friend who became quiet over the pass few weeks. "I'm fine Steve, just thinking and worrying about Ramona. Steve what if we don't find her, what if that was my last time seeing her?" Bucky asked with worry while continuing looking around the surrounding forest. "Don't worry Buck, she's strong, smart, and a survivor, nothing will stop Ramona from finding you. Keep believing that, she will find you, she always have." Steve said smiling nudging Bucky on his shoulder confident at what he was saying. This was why Bucky will always appreciate Steve. Bucky smiled back nodding his head. "So, how much trouble will you be in when you get back?" Bucky asked with a smile knowing everyone will fight the military if Steve was put on discipline. Steve stopped smiling feeling worry, not for what the Army may do him but more so Peggy. Peggy will kill him when he get back, he know she will, that woman was amazing but scary when provoke. "Well, I guess we will have to see Buck. It was worth it finding you along with everyone else, ill take what ever they give me." Steve said without worry, knowing finding his friend will always come first. Bucky nod his head eating his rations. "How about that woman, Peggy was it? What will she say?" Bucky said with a smirk playing on his lips, trying not to laugh at his friend expression. "That's another scare entirely." Steve said with a shiver going down his back, "Howard may not be happy with me breaking his transmitter." Steve said taking out the device from his pocket seeing the bullet hole. Bucky almost chock, "Howard!? as in Stark!?" Bucky said wanting to be clear that maybe Steve was talking about another Howard. Steve laugh, wanting to keep that piece of information a surprise, "Yes Buck, Howard Stark will be there when we return."

Bucky could only look at his friend in shock. He was about to meet Howard Stark, Howard Stark was just mere feet away and Bucky was going to see him looking like a pig and smelling worst! how could his friend keep that information from him. "Steve please tell me you're lying and there's a different Howard that will be at base." Bucky said knowing that Steve isn't lying about his hero. Steve shook his head 'No' and ate his rations with a smirk on his face looking out the forest, Bucky swallowed not feeling hungry, but now wanting to really make it back to base just so he can breath the same air as Howard Stark!. 'Ok Bucky, stop acting like a dame! calm down' Bucky was giving himself a pow wow. Steve was happy Bucky was acting like himself, he knew he was down regarding Ramona and Steve hope that Howard Stark can distract him, at least for a short time. "Well we should sleep, the quicker we get to base the quicker we can get cleaned and fed." Bucky said hurrying back to his unit. Steve laugh following Bucky, knowing that he just wanted to see Howard in person and not smell like a boar.

The next morning the 107th, Bucky, and Steve was walking down the road leading to base, Steve waved at the snipers that was in the trees surprising them, everyone spotted the gate with guards blocking the entry. When the guards spotted them they immediately open the gates shouting in cheer seeing most of the 107th returning along with Captain America. When the unit walked through the gates they were greeted by everyone. Bucky and Steve looked at each other, they made it! they made it back to Italy base, Steve was a hero! Bucky was feeling more proud of his friend, he took a step back making sure everyone know Steve was the one that deserve all the praise, he wanted everyone to know who Steve was and what Steve did. Bucky see Colonel Phillips walking to them a long with a woman who Bucky guest was Peggy. Everyone straighten their backs when the approaching Colonel made his way to them. "Sir, i'm willing to surrender myself to disciplinary action." Steve said looking at CO. Phillips in the eyes, Phillips just looked at all the tired soldiers and said, "That won't be necessary,  Come on everyone get these men food and medical care!" Commanded CO. Phillips walking around shouting at everyone to help the 107th. Bucky saw him say something to Peggy before walking away, Peggy walked to Steve with a flirty smile on her face, " You're late" she stated Bucky looked at his friend hoping Steve can see that the woman was flirting with him, of course his friend didn't bat an eye and pulled out the broken transmitter. 'Typical Steve' Bucky thought with a small smile on his face. " I couldn't call my ride." Steve said back with a smile, 'Nice Pal' Bucky thought again, making a mental note to help his friend with his lady. For now Bucky will settle, "Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America!" Bucky shouted, smiling feeling like now everyone can see his friend for what he always was, and that was a nice guy with an even bigger heart. Everyone cheered clapping, and slapping Steve on his back congratulation him.

Bucky backed away from the crowd that have gather around Steve, watching Steve get his glory that he very welled deserved. Everything was going great, his unit survived, his unit was safe, his best friend is living his dream of helping people and doing what's right, he's a super hero in every way. Bucky was smiling and clapping watching his best buddy glow at the attention but was modestly trying to calm everyone down. Bucky slowly looked down wishing that one more being was beside him enjoying the show, Ramona needed just as much praise, she is what kept the 107th alive for a long time, she was the one who protected him with her life on so many occasions, that Bucky lost count. Bucky felt this moment was truly bittersweet, he was happy for his best buddy getting what was way over due, but he was sad that another hero wasn't getting hers.

Everyone quieted down when they notice the guards aiming their guns, no one could see what was happening, but everyone was hearing snapping of twigs and the crunching of leaves. The whole base was at attention, no one thought Hydra was bold enough to attack a base head on, but then again after what the 107th been through everything was possible. Steve moved to the front of the crowd ready to take on who ever it was that was making their way to base. The snapping of twigs stopped and everything went silent. The snipers gave a hand signal to some of the soldiers to move out to the edge of the forest. What came out of the forest Bucky couldn't believe what he was seeing, it's been weeks, but he can make out those beautiful mix-match eyes and ears anywhere. Bucky felt his heart give a huge squeeze before sprinting towards, "Ramona!"

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