Girls have to help Each Other!

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A/N: Thank you everyone so much for your wonderful comments! I wasn't expecting people to actually like this story lol <3

"Hey mom i'm going to the library I should be back before lunch." called Rebecca as she's putting on her shoes heading towards the door. "Becca could you take Ramona with you, Steve and I are going to the picture show and she needs a walking, Thanks!" Bucky asked his little sister while running out the door before she can even answer. Rebecca huff an angry breath while looking at Ramona who was busy following her mother around in the kitchen hoping to show some new tricks that she learned from her Bucky and Steve. "Mom do I have to take her I just need to drop off my book, it's only for a few minutes, plus she's Bucky's dog its his responsibility." Rebecca tried to argue. "Honey please do this, I have to leave to the bank, and plus its only down the street, I know it's your brother dog, but I really don't want her to have an accident while all of us is away." said Mrs. Barnes who then gave Rebecca a kiss "Please dear after this i'll have a talk with your brother about putting his responsibility on others." "Fine, I will but I think i'm entitled to an extra piece of pie tonight." Rebecca cheekily said to her mother while getting Ramona collar and leash and putting it on the pup. "That's fine dear I think it's a good trade, ok dear i'm off make sure you lock the door and make it home as quick as you can I don't want to worry about my baby girl." said Mrs. Barnes leaving out the door knowing her daughter don't like the endearment. "Oh mom!, ok come on Ramona let's go girl." 

Ramona exit the the door with Rebecca ready for a walk that was well deserve in her mind after an unsuccessful treat grab from Mrs. Barnes. Both girls was making their way to the library, outside the steps of the library Rebecca spotted Braxton talking with the popular girl from school along with his friend. Rebecca stopped walking and tug on Ramona leash making the puppy stop who was sniffing an interesting spot at the fire hydrant. Rebecca sat down trying to hide from said group also trying to calm her heart that was beating a mile a minute. Ramona not understanding why they stop sat in front of the girl putting her nose on Rebecca hand wanting to comfort the girl sensing something was wrong with her. Rebecca petted the puppy and the comfort from her did help calm her still racing heart. She once again look towards Braxton talking with the girl who was giggling at what ever it was he was saying. "See girl, that's Jenny the most popular girl in the entire school. Her hair is perfect, her teeth are perfect, even Braxton thinks she's perfect. He would never look at me like he does with her." Rebecca said dejectedly while still petting Ramona.

Ramona look towards the group and decided that she will take matters in her own paws! Quickly slipping away from Rebecca walking to a stick that was on the ground she proceed towards the group of teenagers on a mission that only a puppy can achieve. "Ramona!" yelled Rebecca trying to grab the leash that slipped out of her hands. Watching helplessly as Ramona made her way to the group. Ramona walked to Braxton, seeing Rebecca looking towards him during the whole conversation. Ramona whine to the teenage boy with the stick in her mouth, looking down at the strange looking puppy Braxton was taken back recognizing the puppy as the Barnes sibling pet. "Hey girl what's going on, what are you doing here?" Braxton ask in a husky voice. Ramona tried to get the boy to grab the stick making it look like she wanted to play. Braxton looked towards his friend both laughing at the strange looking dog with her crooked tail and flop ear, "Come on girl you have to give me the stick if you want me to throw it for you." Thinking he outsmarted the puppy by grabbing at the stick, Ramona was twice as smart and ready for him walking briskly towards Rebecca hoping the boy would hold on long enough, while still holding the stick Braxton huskily asked "Hey where are we going?"

Rebecca watching the whole thing play out see that Braxton and Ramona was making their way towards where she was sitting. Standing up fixing herself, making sure she didn't look like a complete loser in front of her crush, was ready while twiddling her fingers on her library book. Braxton looking up from the puppy spotting the Barnes girl, letting go of the stick said "Hey, cool pup, she's yours right?" Taking a glance at the puppy who made her way towards Rebecca and standing by her side with her back to Braxton, she reach out gently place her hand on Ramona head taking hold of the leash. She nodded, answering Braxton question about the ownership not correcting him that it was her brother dog really. "What's her name?" Braxton huskily ask the cute shy girl with the pretty blue eyes. Shyly Rebecca replied "Ramona." Braxton and his friend, who made his way over, both said "Hey Ramona" "Cool dog" "She is cool right." while petting Ramona backside. "Well see you around Becca." said Braxton giving her a smile walking back with his friend down the street passing Jenny who was not to happy about being ignored. Looking back towards Rebecca, Braxton gave her another smile and proceed on his way.

Rebecca still in shock that her crush spoke to her, let alone knew her name, rolled her eyes in teenage bliss bend down giving Ramona a hug all the while saying "Yes! he spoke to me girl and he knew my name!" laughing gleefully chocking the poor pup who didn't mind. Ramona knew she did a good job just by the affection that Rebecca was giving, wagging her crooked tail she lick Rebecca on her cheek feeling accomplish and proud for making the girl feel better, never wanting to sense distress from either Barnes if she can help it. Reaching down picking up the dropped library book Rebecca said "Come on girl let's drop this off and head home." Finally making their way to the library door Rebecca tied Ramona up and ran up the stairs to return her book. 

Ramona waiting on Rebecca to be finish, laid down while looking at the people passing the huge building. Ramona spotted Braxton coming down the street by himself this time and couldn't help but to get his attention. Getting up, Ramona whined towards him hoping on two legs trying to bring attention to herself. Braxton hearing the commotion spotted the weird looking puppy smiled and walked towards her. "Hey girl, Becca got you waiting for her, she really love books don't she?" asked Braxton petting the puppy on her floppy ear. Ramona liking the attention took it all in, sensing that Braxton was a good guy, of course Ramona don't have a lot experience with people, but she still trust her instincts. Rebecca at that moment come rushing out not wanting to keep Ramona by herself for to long stop in her tracks. Braxton stood up and gave Rebecca a smile "Hey again Becca twice in one day, must be a record." Laughing huskily running his had through his hair looking at the cute shy girl. Rebecca could only nod shyly. Walking and untying Ramona leash. Feeling Rebecca nervousness Ramona lick her hand as if to say "Now is your change girl!" 

"So Becca if you don't mind, I can walk you home." Braxton ask with a little bit of red on his cheeks putting his hands in his coat pocket. Rebecca could swear to every living being that her heart stop and she died and went to heaven, not believing that the guy she like was willing to walk her home. "No Braxton I don't mind at all, that will be wonderful, thank you." Rebecca reply shyly once again. Nodding his head both teenager walk towards the Barnes household with a cheeky looking pup in front of them who crooked tail was standing a little higher then normal. While walking both teenagers was making small talk getting to know each other and feeling a connection happening. Spotting her home Rebecca stop in front of the building, turning towards Braxton and said, "Thank you for walking me home Braxton that was very nice of you." Smilling to Rebecca Braxton couldn't help but getting lost in her blue eyes replied," Anytime, hopefully I can do this again really soon, after a date for instant." Rebecca felt herself getting sweaty and extremely red in the face. Ramona looked between the two with her tongue out to the side with a goofy puppy smile was giving herself a pat on the back. "Sure Braxton, that will be fun, I would love to go out with you." Rebecca shyly answered back while looking at Braxton through her lashes. Braxton let out a sigh of relief and said "Ok, cool is Saturday 5pm ok?" "YES!...I mean yes that will work i'll see you Saturday." Rebecca answered with a little to much gusto in the beginning. Braxton once again gave Rebecca a smile, "Ok, I'll come by and pick you up see you then Becca." giving her a wave and Ramona a final pet Braxton turned to make his way home.

Rebecca and Ramona made their way inside the house were Mrs. Barnes and Bucky was hanging out listening to the radio. Unleashing Ramona and hanging up her coat Rebecca was slowly making her up the stairs in complete teenage bliss. Looking at one another Mrs. Barnes and Bucky looked back at Rebecca seeing her float up the stairs. "Hey honey, how was your trip." ask Mrs. Barnes who stop knitting the scarf she was working. "Huh?" replied a blissful Rebecca, Bucky then looked at the clock and said "Becca its 4:30" "Hmmm" replied Rebecca making her way to her room and flopping down on her bed with a huge goofy smile on her face replaying the events that happen. 

Mrs. Barnes and Bucky shared a final look with one another. Mrs. Barnes with a knowing smile continued with her knitting while enjoying her son company and the smooth music that was playing. Bucky who was in ignorance as to what was going on with his kid sister look towards his puppy who made her way on his lap with a satisfying look on her face as she looked up towards Rebecca room asked "What's going on with the ladies in this house?"

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