We Want You

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It was a bright sunny day when Bucky and Ramona was taking their daily walk, It's been a few months since Steve graduated college and got a job at one of the factories to help put artwork on military paraphernalia. Steve was getting really anxious about joining the military but was turned down left and right. Bucky wasn't complaining, not wanting his friend who weight 95 pounds 96 when wet, Bucky just couldn't put his mind in place seeing Steve with a gun in his hand fighting Germans. Of course Steve was use to fighting, saving the weak from guys twice his age but never backing down from any of them and that sometime is were Bucky step in with Ramona sometimes giving her their secret command making the bullies run away in fright. Yea Steve fighting spirit is what keep him from trying to enter the Army. Almost every able body was encourage to join the fight with 'Uncle Sam', his propaganda was everywhere and his ads on the radio never stop playing. Bucky wasn't to interested in the fight, but he must admit, hearing all propaganda, seeing the posters and watching all the men that joined the Army walking down Brooklyn streets Bucky was feeling the itch and was concerning joining himself. The only thing that's stoping him is Ramona.

He knows that his mother wouldn't mind taking care of her until he get back, but he wasn't sure Ramona would understand why he was going to be gone for who know how long, and was worried she might forget about him. It's crazy he knows but that's what he always think about when he pass by the recruitment tents that's been popping up a lot recently, and almost walking in signing up and joining 'Uncle Sam' in his fight. Bucky let out a sigh as he stand in front of a new recruitment tent that just came to town, sitting down in front of the tent Bucky run his hand through his hair, putting his hands in front of his face hunching forward getting ready to go inside and sign his name. Ramona turn towards her Bucky whining wondering what was wrong with him and why did he seem like he's in distress. Ramona walked to Bucky licking his hands trying to get his attention, then sat down in front of him with a confuse look to her face. Bucky took his hand out his face then smiled at the cute gesture, petting Ramona while saying, "I think i'm going to join girl, it'll be ok though I promise i'll come back to you,  hopefully it won't be to long, with all the help the Americans are giving i'm sure we will win in a blink of an eye." Bucky hoped anyway, Ramona turned her head not quite understanding why he was talking like he was leaving for a long time. Ramona was getting anxious at the feelings that Bucky was giving off, she wasn't use to sensing uncertain from Bucky, she was use to his self-assurance. This was different and Ramona didn't like the feeling at all. She then whined and moved her head to his lap under his hands trying to get rid of the uncertain and nervousness that Bucky was giving off.

Bucky hug Ramona head bending forward enjoying the calm that was coming off of her. Ramona was like a warm blanket, whenever Bucky need encouragement, and he swear he will never tell this to a soul, he would hug her, she was big enough now that it was like hugging a teddy bear....or a teddy dog in her case. Bucky laugh at the thought, pulling away from Ramona, he looked back at the tent ready to join the Army. Walking forward Buck then tied Ramona to the nearest poll, bend down giving her a quick pet, "Stay here girl, i'll be back soon." Bucky said with a small smile letting his hand slide from underneath her chin entering the tent. Ramona laid down looking towards the tent waiting for her Bucky to return to her.

 Walking inside the tent Bucky was surprise with how spacious it actually was on the inside. He spotted a few guys he recognized giving them nods in acknowledgement as he passed by walking towards a recruiter that was seated behind a desk. "Hello sir, my name is James Barnes and I would like to sign up." Bucky said looking down at the recruiter. The recruiter looked up with a smile sticking out his hand, "Hello James, my name is Lt. Andrews welcome to the U.S. Army Recruitment Center, please take a seat and we can get the papers ready for you." Lt. Andrews said walking to a filing cabinet pulling out the necessary paperwork for Bucky to sign. Bucky took the chair that was in front of him and made himself comfortable, he looked around noticing that a lot more guys and surprisingly a few gals walking in the tent ready to volunteer. Hearing Lt. Andrews getting the paperwork Bucky turned his attention back to him looking down at the few paper working asking him for his information. "Ok James, just but down the necessary information for me, if you need any help i'm here to assist you." Lt. Andrews said handing Bucky a pen then going back to what he was finishing. Bucky took the pen as if it was poisoned, he couldn't believe that he was really doing this, taking a deep silent breath, he began filling out the information the paperwork was asking for. Once he finished Bucky, cleared his throat gaining Lt. Andrews attention once again, "I'm finish sir." Bucky said handing the paperwork to Lt. Andrews to look over. Nodding Lt. Andrews looked over Bucky paperwork with seed of someone who did this quite a few times. Lt. Andrews then put down the paper work and told Bucky, "Please wait here James i'll be back." Walking away and heading to another station discussing his paperwork with his fellow solider, who handed Lt. Andrews more paperwork.

Walking back to Bucky Lt. Andrews sat back down and said, "Ok James, now what you need to do is get a physical from one of our medical tents here's the address," as he circled the address on the paper work he was handing off to Bucky. "Have the doctors and nurses fill them out then return them back to us and you will be all set and given your orders." Lt. Andrews said with a smile handing Bucky the paperwork with a folder to go with them. Lookin at the folder Bucky reached out and held on to the folder for a few seconds still trying to wrap his mind around that he is just another step closer to joining the Army. Bucky smiled a small smile, then shaking Lt. Andrews hand one more time, getting out the seat and pushing it in Bucky said, "Thank You sir." walking a way to exit out the all of a sudden stuffy tent. "Anytime James, looking forward to seeing you again." Lt. Andrews said as he walked back to the previous station to do his part of Bucky's paperwork that need his information. When Lt. Andrews started walking away he notice that James dropped what looked like keys and rush to catch the young man before he completely disappear.

Ramona saw her Bucky walking out of the tent and stood up wagging her tail, that look like she was about to take off in the sky. Whining she stood up on her hind legs waving her front paws towards Bucky. Bucky laugh hurrying to walk over before Ramona choke herself, "Hey girl I'm back, see it didn't take long." Bucky said petting Ramona and untying her leash. "I have to do my physical next girl then it's off to Europe." Bucky said as picked up his folder tucking it under his arms, as he and Ramona began their journey home, "Boy Steve is going to love this," mumble Bucky shaking his head. "Excuse me James! Wait!." Lt. Andrews yelled trying to gain Bucky attention running over to him. Bucky turned around in shock, watching Lt. Andrews make his way over to him. Ramona was on high alert not knowing who this person was that was running to them, she put herself between Bucky and the stranger to protect her owner if needed. Lt. Andrews stop in his tracks seeing the large dog that was in front of James. Never before have he seen a dog like this one with it's mix-match eyes, strange markings, with one floppy ear and one pointed ear, this dog was very strange looking indeed. 

"Sorry James, you dropped your keys back at the tent." Lt. Andrews said dropping them in Bucky hands. "Thank You sir, you didn't have to do that." Bucky said putting the keys back in his pocket. "It's no problem really, it was a great excuse to get fresh air." Lt. Andrews laugh a little then turning his attention back to the strange animal that didn't take its eyes off of him, not once. "So this is your dog, what's it's name?" "Yes sir, her name is Ramona." Bucky answered petting Ramona on her head with a smile. "Nice, she look like she's very protective of you, you've trained her well, do you mind if I pet her?" "No not at all she's really nice, just more caution with people she don't know." Said Bucky looking toward Ramona who was still between himself and Lt. Andrews, when ever Bucky tried to move Ramona just moved with him, the behavior didn't go unnoticed by Lt. Andrews. Lt. Andrews put his hand out to Ramona, to smell before petting her on her head. "She's a good dog very well trained, I can tell you put in a lot of work with her." Lt. Andrews said looking over Ramona. "Yes sir, my friend and I we trained her since she was a little puppy, she would whine through the night, my mother threaten to get rid of her if she didn't stop." Laughing at the memory that seem so long ago giving Ramona a loving pet at which Ramona took her eyes away from the stranger for the first time closing them, loving the scratch that Bucky was giving in her favorite spot. Lt. Andrews was watching the exchange and gave a nod. "Hey James, how you feel letting your dog join the Army with you?"

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