chapter 22

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zach galifianakis (had to c/p his last name off google lol) is Gary aka Papa aka fav character aka spirit animal in the media

happy reading/Tuesday children



More pounding.

Incessant pounding.

I groan, pulling my hands towards my ears, trying to stop the noise. I notice something stiff beneath me, I groan even louder remembering Harry's beneath me, holding onto me for dear life whilst laying on his back on the couch. The pounding suddenly stops, and then my phone goes off.

All this fucking noise is driving me crazy; I try pushing myself off Harry, since I'm literally sleeping on him -chest to chest - but he only groans and tightens his arms around me causing me to flop back down on his chest.

"Harry." I hiss but he doesn't even flinch. I flick his ear while rubbing my nose against his. "Harry, let go of me. I need to answer the door and my phone."

"Mhm." He mumbles, I groan about to attempt to push myself off him again but I'm interrupted when Harry suddenly pulls me down and presses his lips to mine rather roughly.

"So now you're a awake." I tease against his lips, kissing him back just as intensely, before remembering the fact that we just woke up.

"Can't resist you," he rasps, still kissing me. I grumble in protest, trying to stop myself for kissing him back because morning breath's just nasty - it's so fu.cking hard.

There's knocking at the door again, I use that as my queue to get up. I use Harry's current vulnerable state to my advantage, pushing myself off him quickly before picking my phone up, getting up and pushing myself towards the front door, beaming.

"You suck." Harry whines.

"Your, one day." I retort. I hear a faint gasp leave Harry's lips making me shake my head while smiling like crazy. The pounding gets louder and my mood's immediately changed.

"I'm coming! For fuc.k's sake Leah, it's like," I check the time on my phone. "9am, what the fuc.k!"

I open the front door with a scowl on my face, which is soon demolished when I notice who's standing in front of me.

"Papa!" I shriek and run into him, wrapping my arms around his rather plump figure, just how I remember it.

"Hello, darling. Sorry for waking you." He replies serenely, pushing my to arm's length and kissing both my cheeks lightly. He pulls back and shakes his head, ruffling his hair. (a/n: imagine the gif in the media yo) "I missed you and thought I should surprise you. Leah sent me your address. Is she here? I missed her almost as much as I missed you."

Leah and Papa were always so close, almost as close as him and I are. He's an extremely understanding person, he's calm - sometimes too calm - and thinks herbs and yoga are the cure to every problem in the world - including cancer.

"I'm so happy you dropped by. Oh, Leah's not here. She's at her boyfriend's." I suddenly remember Harry in the living room, and I can almost feel his wide eyes and alarmed facial expression. "Come on in, let me introduce you to my humble abode."

We walk into the apartment; right after I take his hand and close the door behind us. I can hear slight shuffling from the living room, Harry probably trying to gather himself and make it seem like he just dropped by rather than having slept over.

He comes into view, sitting stiffly on the couch with folded hands and slightly puffy, sleepy eyes and dishevelled hair. His eyes widen at the sight of Papa and I. My subconscious can't help but roll her eyes, now he's being a gentleman?

Tongue Tied - Harry Styles AU (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now