chapter 8

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I walk into my psychology class on a hot Monday morning with sunglasses on. I know how douchey it is to wear shades indoors, but it really helps when you’re trying to recover from a terrible hangover.

I quickly take a seat, and rest my arms and head on the table.

“Goodmorning, Alex.” I look up without moving my comfortable position only to see it being Harry. I don’t have much to say to this guy, so I just shut my eyes.

“You don’t look too good. Do you want my coffee?” he pushes his coffee cup towards me.

“No, just shut the fuçk up.” I order with my eyes shut. He doesn’t get to be rude to me and then expect me to be on good terms with him.

“What now?” He asks with attitude running through his voice.

I quickly pull up and take off my sunglasses so he is aware of my anger. My angry face always intimidates people.

“What makes you think I have anything to say to you? You don’t get to treat people like shit and pick things up like none of it ever happened.”

He stares at me in shock for moment before he replies like as if nobody has ever screamed at him before.

“Look, I’m sorry about that night, I was just not in the mood to talk much.”

“The bonfire is a social event, it’s kinda mandatory to talk. If you didn’t wanna talk, you could’ve just stayed home watching porn.” I justify.

“Good point.” He nods his head. Fuçk yeah, I’m always right. “I’d appreciate it if you’d-“

“Let you make it up to me? Give you another chance? Fuçk no.” I finish his request, and look away.

Our professor walks into class, and I fall right back asleep. When I wake up I see Harry has already left. Thank God, didn’t wanna talk to him anyhow.

I pack up my things, preparing myself to go back home before I notice something written on the back of my hand.

I’ll see you tonight around 7. Wear something fab, like you always do.

It’s ended with a small penis. Harry must have written it while I was asleep.


I look up at the time and see it’s already 7 o’clock. I lie back down on my bed and scroll through my phone, not knowing if Harry is planning on showing up anyway.

“So what exactly did he do at the bonfire again?” Leah asks.

“He was just rude. I bumped into him and he was all rude to me like, “ I lift my upper body off the bed and start mocking him, “don’t do that you bitch!” and drop myself back down.

“He called you a bitch?” She raises her eyebrows.

“Well, no, but-“

“Okay, stop exaggerating. People have bad days too. Stop being so annoying about this. He’s such a sweet guy!”

“He’s not. He acts like one, then he pulls an asshole move. ”I laugh at her idea of him being a ‘nice guy’.

“He took you to that place with the cool skyline thing you told me about. He put you to bed! How is this guy not a sweetheart? And how are you not into him?”

“I don’t know, I’m just not” I look back into my phone.

“Can you just be nice for once, please?”

I hear somsone buzzing our door, and Leah sprints to the front of our apartment door to buzz Harry in. She unlocks our door and walks back into my bedroom. 

Tongue Tied - Harry Styles AU (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now