chapter 2

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“Ugh, śhit!” I mumble whiningly as Azealia Banks’ sleazy music fills the club from the boisterous speakers, encouraging these rowdy and sweaty people to get drunk.

Before I give Tyler enough eye contact for him to approach me, I grab a handful of curls a little too aggressively and kiss some guy. He’s kinda hot I should admit. Too much tongue though, ew. I hastily shove him away before his hands go any further. “A boob grab is the only thing you’re getting tonight.” I add with a sly smirk before I walk away.

Just as I get up from my seat in front of the bar, abandoning my delicious whiskey on the rocks just to prove a point, somebody takes my hand and turns me around. Oh, it’s just Mr. Tongue.

“Let me buy you a drink.” He offered, almost questioningly. His bold and charming smile could take my breath away if I wasn’t such a cynical hopeful romantic.

Before I could say anything, he rapidly turns to the bartender and asks, “Can I have a gin and tonic, please?” with a grin. Holy śhit, he’s definitely not a New Yorker with that accent.

He turns back to me and pats the seat beside him. Should I even bother? I glance around the club to see if Tyler is anywhere in sight before I go on and take a seat.

“Safe choice.” I cockily state as I walk over to the seat.

“Yeah, I guess you could say I-”

“Do this a lot?” I end his sentence bluntly.

“No, I mean I-” he stutters while pushing his sexy curls back. I wonder what hair product he uses… Possibly Moroccan oil, or maybe he just needs a shower. Okay, focus, Alexa, you’re supposed to be a bitch.

“Oh God, I’m only playing!”

He releases a nervous laugh and takes a sip from his drink. “Hey, haven’t I seen you someone before?”

“Are you really gonna play that card with me?” I wonder how many girls he took home trying to use that cliché line. Who am I kidding? His British accent can get him laid anytime.

“What? No. I’m being serious right now. I could swear I’ve seen you before.”

“Do you watch a lot of porn?” I ask with a slight serious tone.

“I don’t. I-I mean, I do. Only on occasions.” He nervously looks around with his eyes a little wider than they usually are. He looks so anxious, I love teasing this guy.

“Only kidding, Jesus. I’m a soon-to-be fashion designer, you’re looking at the next Kate Spade.” I sarcastically flip my hair back and smirk.

“I can tell by those shoes.” He cheekily smiles. Oh, that smile.

“These aren’t just shoes. They’re Louboutins, and they probably cost a lot more than your life insurance!” I respond rather offensively.  

“Okay, okay. Sorry for calling them shoes, I guess.” He politely yet confusingly apologizes, and quickly changes the subject. “So you’re a student? What school?”

“Columbia University.”

“Oh, that’s probably where I’ve seen you before!”

 Oh right, like as if a guy with those vintage boots could afford going to a prestigious university I only got accepted to because of a scholarship.

 “So, why are you around here anyway? Picking up girls? Or at least trying to?” I tease as I pick up my drink towards him and sip a little bit before I put it back down.

 “Well, if we’re going to be honest for a moment, I’d like to say you’re the one who came onto me.

“What? Oh, kissing you… Well, if you want me to be honest with you, it wasn’t that impressive.” I portray a mocking smile.

Tongue Tied - Harry Styles AU (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora