10.2 - Carefree - VMAs

Start from the beginning

'Like... Way too hot for your own good! I expect you to come back to me tonight in one piece!'

I laugh taking them off, putting them on the table. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her as close to me as possible, she wraps her around my neck, and we share a long deep kiss until she pulls back.

'You're gonna be late, you should go.'

I rub the back on my neck, slightly laughing nervously, 'Right... What are you going to do while I'm gone?'

'I have a lot to write, and I'll be watching you on TV, and probably video chatting with Mels during. What time are you coming back? There's the after party too right?'

'Yeah, I am. Um... I don't know but it won't be before midnight. Is that okay?'

'What? I'm not your mom! You can come back whenever you want to! As long as you do!' She laughs.

'Okay. Have a nice evening Princess! And don't wait up, just sleep when you want to.'

'Thanks baby, have a nice evening too!'

I give her one last quick kiss before I go.

Ivy's POV

 I turn on the TV to the channel where the show is being aired and finish my work. When I'm done, I text Mels, to see if she's ready, and then start the video chat from my laptop.

'Hey! How are you? Miss you!' I start.

'I'm good! So excited about this weekend! Can't believe we're all going to New York City! Please thank Niall again! He didn't have to do all this.'

'Yeah I know, But he needed me here and I need to be with you on your birthday! It's not every day you turn 26!'

'I know! It's gonna be awesome!'

'Are you watching?' I ask her, glancing back to the screen. They're still showing the red carpet, the actual award show hasn't started yet. I'm waiting to see Niall. 

'Yeah! Where is he?'

'I don't know. He left not so long ago. between traffic and the delay, it could still be a while before we see him.'

Eventually, he does show up.

'Oh wow! He does look good! I love the suit!' Mels gushes, I fake a cough, jokingly warning her about checking my boyfriend out.

'Oh, relax, I don't mean anything by it.'

'I know, just joking.' I chuckle, 'but yeah... he looks really good. Like probably more than I can handle...'

'What do you mean?' She asks.

'Mels, I can tell you anything right?'

'Of course! You already know this! What's going on?'

'Are you alone?'

'Yes. You're starting to worry me. What's going on?' She urges

'Remember that time when we stayed up late at night and we told each other the story of our lives?'

'Of course, I do! That's when we became best friends!'

'Okay, do you remember what I told you... about... you know...'

'Know what? We talked about a lot of stuff... You have to be more specific.'

'When I told you about wanting to wait... for marriage... before I do anything...'

'Oh, that. Yeah, I remember. What about it? Are you changing your mind?'

'Not really... I'm just thinking. What if he breaks up with me because of it. Like I don't want to do anything I might regret. Even if I believe that we're gonna stay together. It's not guaranteed. We might break up at any point. And if we don't. I don't want to rush moving forward just for that, just because I'm scared of losing him. Like I don't see myself getting married before I'm at least 27. And that's like 4 years from now. And as much as I love Niall and want to spend the rest of my life with him and do all those stuff with. I want to take my time with it.'

'Okay, I understand that. I think you have to talk about it with him. I'm sure he'll be understanding. He loves you a lot. I'm sure he's not gonna let something like that get in the way.'

'I don't know. I don't feel comfortable talking about stuff like that with him.'

'Right. I forgot. You Always do that! You always do anything to avoid confrontations!'

'No I don't!'

'Hold on, so you're telling me, how long you've been together?'

'Since May 22nd? Almost 3 months.'

'Okay, so in 3 months, and 2 of those living together and sleeping on the same bed every night. Nothing happened?'

'Not really... Just like kissing...' I mumbled.


'What?' I ask.

'I mean... How? Like, have you seen him! How can you kiss him and not let it go further? Like I know you don't want to. But sometimes, instinct just takes over you know?'

'Ugh, I know! Today it was very difficult. He looks way too hot! I just stop it before it goes further than I'm comfortable with.'

'How? Like he doesn't get upset?'

'Not that I know of... Like I try distracting him with food, or like today I told him that you should go before he's late. Sometimes I go to another room or send him somewhere like "Can you get me this or that from like the kitchen or anywhere" I don't know what he's thinking about this whole thing.'

She laughs a lot, and then says 'you're an idiot! You have to talk to him about this. Avoiding the subject might do more damage than good.'

'If it's bothering him he'd talk to me.'

'Maybe he doesn't want to pressure you. Maybe he's waiting for you to talk to him about it. But you won't cause you always chicken out.'

'I'll talk to him about it eventually. Anyway, we're missing the show!' I change the subject.

We spend the rest of the night watching the show, laughing at all the drama. I try staying up till Niall comes back, but I'm too sleepy. It's half past 2 AM and he's still not here. I hope he'll come back soon. 

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