Mistletoe (Logicality)

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Logan ducked to the left instinctively when he saw the flash of white whiz by his ear.

"Snowball fight!" Patton yelled cheerfully. Of course, around this time of the year, the field in the Imagination served as the perfect wintry battleground. The ground was blanketed in a thick, soft layer of snow that glittered in the sun no matter which angle you looked at it from. The air was crisp and cold, but still enough that it wasn't painful when it touched your face. And though the few trees in the field had lost their leaves, sun beams shot between the branches, making the trees appear to be glowing with life. All in all, it was beautiful.

But, as said earlier, this was now a battleground. "Oh, Patton," Logan smirked. "You've picked the wrong opponent." In his free time, Logan had sometimes looked up battle strategies and even come up with a few of his own.

"Really? I doubt it," Patton grinned back. "Okay, I'll give you five minutes to make as many snowballs as you can and build some cover, and then we're so on."

Logan thought for a moment and then nodded. "This shall be ideal."


Five minutes later, Logan had constructed a small yet sturdy wall which he would hide behind. On top of that, he'd made loads of snowballs. He had to admit that they weren't his best works, but in this game, quantity beat quality by a long shot.

"Are you ready, Logan?" Patton called from where he was hiding.

Logan took a quick look at what he had before calling back, "Yes, are you?"

"As I'll ever be!" He shouted, lobbing a surprisingly well-aimed snowball just inches away from where Logan was hiding. The logical Side huffed and began his own attack, not wanting to be stuck on the defensive.

For fifteen minutes and twelve seconds... thirteen seconds... fourteen seconds, they pelted each other with snowballs mercilessly. Who knew that Patton could be such a ferocious warrior? Even Logan was beginning to get tired, so he stopped for a second. Patton seemed to was his mind.

"Truce?" He yelled across their battlefield.

Logan replied with a simple, "Yeah," and got out from behind his wall. They both made their way to the middle and started to shake hands. At the last moment before they let go, Patton summoned a snowball out of nowhere and smacked Logan on top of his head with it.

"Hey!" Logan complained loudly. "I thought that we had a truce!" He sighed, shaking the snow out of his hair. "You aren't Deceit, are you?"

"Please," Patton laughed. "Just because I got the better of you once doesn't mean I'm Deceit. I just wanted to win!"

"Fair enough. I suppose we should get back."

"Yeah. Ooh!" Patton burst out suddenly. "I'll make hot cocoa! Do you want some?"

They met eyes and Logan couldn't say no. "Sure," he said, smiling slightly. "I suppose I could warm up a little bit." Patton giggled and dragged Logan back up to the Mind Palace.


Once they were both situated on a sofa in front of a fireplace they'd magicked in, snuggled in blankets and sipping contentedly on large mugs of hot cocoa, Patton spoke up. Meaning he said the words "Look up."

Logan obliged, glancing above his head. To his slight confusion, there was a plant dangling over them. "Patton, why is there a weed on the ceiling?"

The dad-like Side laughed. "It's mistletoe, dummy. That's like, Christmas 101."

Naturally. How could Logan have forgotten what mistletoe looked like? It was unusual for him to forget how to identify such a common plant. However, he was still unsure as to why it was above him.

Still slightly confused, he simply replied with an "oh." Then Patton pecked him on the lips.

They were both blushing horribly, but both happy. Logan was somewhat shocked, a bit unable to form words. So that was what mistletoe was for. Strange, but he wasn't complaining.

He finally smiled back when he remembered how to work his facial muscles. Still unsure as to how to respond to this, he just kissed Patton back.

A few feet behind him, whilst still in the middle of kissing Patton, he heard a voice saying, "Now you owe me twenty bucks."

Then a grumble, "We're figments of Thomas's imagination, we don't even use money."

"Then why are you refusing?"

"When did we even make a bet?" Virgil grumbled, exasperated.

Logan and Patton finally pulled apart. "You're not subtle," Logan said bluntly.

Virgil crossed his arms. "I swear I just walked in and Roman demanded twenty bucks."

"For that bet we had," Roman explained.

"You bet on us?" Patton asked, looking slightly amused.

"No!" Virgil said, frustrated. "We didn't... you can summon money if you want to. We don't need it." He grumbled at Roman.

"Fine," the creative Side huffed. "You two can go back to... whatever," he said, sounding annoyed, and walked away.

"Princey's just salty because he's still single," Virgil reassures them, then hurried after him, determined to change that fact.

"So..." Logan twiddled his thumbs. "Is the moment over, or...?"

"Doesn't need to be," Patton grinned mischievously.

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