Poor Thing pt. 2 (Prinxiety)

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Trigger Warnings: abuse (physical or otherwise)

"You can't lie to him like that," Roman seethed when Virgil sank down. "You and I both know that's not why I started being nice to him. Not the only reason, anyway. He didn't have anyone who loved him, Deceit," he spat the name. "I can tell when someone doesn't feel enough love. It was very obvious for him."

"In other words," the snake sneered, "you felt sorry for him."

"He needed someone to love him, and lucky enough for him, I already did. I just started showing it."

"What do you really want from him?" Deceit stepped forward, so close that Roman instinctively stepped back.

"F-for him to be happy," he said truthfully. "I want to see him smile and hear him laugh. Funny enough," he continued, stumbling back yet again as the snake advanced further, "he seemed to be even more depressed and love-deprived once you started dating. So I wouldn't be shocked if it was your fault he feels so bad about himself."

"Is that it? You want Virgil to be happy? Is that why he thought you three hated him for almost a year for no reason whatsoever?" He grabbed the prince's sash so he didn't fall back. "Is that why he came home crying to me so I could comfort him after he pretended your insults didn't bother him? Is that why I'm the one who helped him through each and every panic attack while you did nothing? Because you wanted him to be happy? Is that the reason all those things happened?"

Roman tried to back away. "I... I had no idea..." he stuttered. "I didn't mean... and he never seemed angry or upset or..." Deceit let go of him, and he sat down slowly. "If I knew he was bothered so much, I would have stopped. Honest to goodness. If he'd said anything about it before, I wouldn't..."

"But it's too late to put that behind you now," Deceit purred, placing a hand on the prince's shoulder. "Too late to apologize. It's your turn to feel like the one you love hates you," he growled the last bit through clenched teeth before he sank back to meet Virgil, ignoring the fanciful Side as he tried to hold back tears.


"You!" he shouted instantly. Virgil jumped, wiping at his eyes. "You said it didn't mean anything. You said that you loved me. You told me that you didn't like him like that in the slightest. Why would you lie to me like that?" Deceit growled, grabbing Virgil by the shoulders. The other Side just shook his head, hands over his face, as he tried to fight off the inevitable panic attack.

It didn't work all too well. He slid to the ground, shaking and sobbing. He expected Deceit to help him like he always did. Help never came.

When Virgil realized that he was alone and in the middle of an attack when Deceit had seen it start, not to mention that he'd caused it, this made him cry harder. He could barely breathe.

He was trembling violently now. He felt a hand on his shoulder, but he scooted away, not looking up to see who it was. He didn't hear the voice calling to him gently over the blood rushing in his ears.

Virgil curled into a ball and felt arms around him. He started to calm down when he heard a voice singing softly. He couldn't make out the words, but he focused on the smooth, beautiful voice. It allowed him to calm down and breathe more evenly.

Slowly, he looked up, blinking tears out of his eyes, seeing a white and red figure in front of him.

"R-Rom-man?" he asked, still shaking slightly?"

"Yeah. It's me, Virge. I..." Roman sighed. "I'm very sorry," he whispered. "I had no idea that the way I acted hurt you so much. If I'd known about that, I would've stopped." The panic attack was over by this point, but he started crying again. He just hugged the prince.

"You... mean that?" he asked, unsure. "De told me you never cared and... I guess I shouldn't believe him."

"He also told me he helped you through every attack," Roman scowled. "I shouldn't've believed him, either."

"He was j-just upset with me," Virgil whispered. "It's fine." He turned away from Roman, propping his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands.

"See, Virge," Roman said quietly, massaging Virgil's shoulders lightly. His body tensed, but relaxed when he didn't get hurt. "It's not fine. You needed help and your own boyfriend wasn't there for you."

"What's the difference?" Virgil grumbled. "He was there when you weren't."

Roman's heart broke in two. The poor think really couldn't tell what was wrong here? "The difference is that I apologized, and I had no idea what I was doing to you. I know you don't want to believe me, or you can't, but I promise you that if I'd known I would have stopped immediately. The truth is..." Roman took a deep breath. "The truth is that I love you, Virgil, and all I want is to help you to be happy."

Virgil stared at him in shock before he smiled. Not widely, but he did. "Thank you, Roman. You just helped me get the answer to the question I had earlier. I think I love you, too," he whispered, earning a smile from the prince. "But De..."

"What about him?" Roman asked, frowning again.

"He won't be happy," Virgil mumbled.

"Right you are," a cheerful voice said. Too cheerful to be happy.

"H-how much did y-you hear?" Virgil stuttered, staring at the ground.

"Enough," Deceit grinned. "I thought you'd've learned your lesson from me leaving you alone for the past hour or so. I guess I was very wrong in assuming so." Roman stood protectively in front of Virgil, who backed away. The snake pushed him aside easily. Too easily.

"Get away from him," the prince snarled. "Don't you dare do a thing to him."

"Stay out of this, Princey," he replied mockingly.

"Too late," he growled, drawing his sword. "Wouldn't want something bad to happen to your snakeface."

"Wouldn't want something bad to happen to your damsel in distress," Deceit replied smoothly, as though the thought of hurting his own boyfriend wasn't a dark and evil one at all.

Virgil's breath hitched. "You said you'd never-"

"Don't test me, love," he said quietly.

"You... how dare you," Roman growled, but didn't raise the sword.

"Keep talking, hon," Deceit drawled. "I dare you."

"This is just a game for you, isn't it? You don't love him, you never did!"

"Bravo. I'm proud." He spun to face his lover. "You actually believed me? You thought I was telling the truth? My very name is literally Deceit and-"

"I trusted you. You helped me. You comforted me. You loved me. That couldn't have all been fake to you," Virgil was shaking, not just from fear but also out of anger. "Well, news flash, Deceit. I'm done. You can't use me anymore. I am not your plaything to do with as you please."

"Oh, but you are," he continued as though he'd expected all this. To be honest, he hadn't. He was just a good actor when he had to be. "I've still got you wrapped around my finger, and you can't deny how true that sad little fact is."

"Joke's on you. Here's something I found out. You only speak in lies. Goodbye, Deceit. You do not control me."

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