Glasses (Prinxiety/Logicality)

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"Crap," Roman muttered. "Where are my contacts?" He normally only wore his glasses so that he could find his contacts in the morning, seeing as his eyesight was, in truth, really quite awful.

Eventually he gave up looking for his contacts. It was a lost cause; he'd searched through his room and his bathroom, not finding them in either room.

"Great. Now I look like a nerd. And a hypocrite," he sighed in defeat.

He decided that the best way to play it off was to pretend not to notice if anybody was staring. And if anyone asked him about it, well, he was an actor. He could just act his way out of it.

He got to the kitchen for breakfast first and made himself a warm cup of coffee.

He didn't feel like himself at all. For one, he was awake before any of the other Sides. Secondly, well, he was wearing his glasses. And he noticed he was still in his pajamas and had a heavy blanket wrapped around himself.

He heard footsteps behind him.

"Hey, Pat-Roman?" Virgil raises an eyebrow. "Why the glasses?"

Roman didn't feel motivated enough to even try to lie about it. "Couldn't find my contacts," he mumbled to his boyfriend, who laid his head on Roman's shoulder.

"You look cute in glasses," Virgil smirked, and Roman kissed him on the forehead.

Moments later, Logan and Patton hurried into the kitchen, having noticed that the others were up already.

"Why are you two up later than us?" Virgil asked immediately, noticing their disheveled appearances. And the fact that they were wearing the wrong onesies.

"We didn't do anything," Logan shut down his idea before he could mention anything. "And you realize that we already share our onesie pajamas, right? It's just a coincidence that Patton has the one I wore in a video and I'm wearing the one that he wore in the same video."

"He made a pun in the end card. It was magnificent," Patton added.

Then Logan spotted the Roman wasn't dressed in his usual princely garb and instead wore pajamas, a blanket, and naturally, glasses. "This is the best day of my life," he grinned, and Roman scowled at him. "You look like a-"

"Don't even," Roman grumbled, sipping from his steaming coffee mug.

"Nerd," Patton finished for Logan, and the two high-fived.

"You deserve it and you can't deny it," Virgil pointed out. "He couldn't find his contacts," he explained to the other two.

"That's unusual. Isn't his room normally clean?" Logan asked. "There shouldn't be a reason why he couldn't find them."

"I suppose he'll just have to keep wearing the glasses until he gets new ones," Patton shrugged. Logan whispered something into his boyfriend's ear. This got a laugh from the dad-like character.

"What?" Roman frowned.

"Nothing of importance," Logan shrugged, and Patton smirked.

"Oh, were you just telling Patton how easily Roman could magically summon himself some new contacts?" Virgil asked.

"I... yes..." Logan grumbled, crossing his arms and looking away. Roman started laughing.

"You know, I might just leave my glasses on. I've been told that I look good in them," he decided.

"Actually, the word I used to describe it was 'cute.' But yeah, I guess," Virgil smirked.

"Awwww! You guys are just the cutest little things!" Patton squealed, then glanced at Logan and added quickly, "you're even cuter sometimes. Like in the "Crofter's Musical" episode! Where you totally fainted!"

"Patton..." Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Thank you. You are... very adorable as well."

"Lo!" Patton jumped onto Logan, wrapping his arms and legs around his boyfriend. Logan awkwardly patted his head. "I love you so much," the dad mumbled into Logan's onesie.

"And they say that we're the cute ones?" Roman laughed, putting his coffee down and taking Virgil's hand.

"I'd make a gagging noise if I actually cared enough to be bitter or cynical," Virgil answered simply.

"At me or them?" the prince asked, and Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Them, dummy." Then he smirked and kissed Roman's jaw. Princey tensed for a second, then wrapped the both of them in his blanket.

They shared a kiss and decided simultaneously to heat it up - only slightly, of course - when they heard Patton fan-girling. Or fan-boying? Fan-Dad-ing? Well, that part really wasn't important.

They finally pulled away because oxygen, and they were both red in the face. Virgil laughed, and Roman quickly followed suit.

"What's so funny?" Logan asked.

"Nothing of... importance," Roman answered between giggles. Logan pouted, and Patton just rolled his eyes.

"What do you guys want for breakfast? Are pancakes good?" he asked the others.

"Yeah," Roman and Virgil agreed, and Logan nodded in agreement. Patton's face brightened significantly somehow, as he'd already been ridiculously cheerful all morning.

"Great! I'll get started on those and it'll just be a few minutes, m'kay?"

"Okay," Logan mumbled, sitting down at the table. Roman and Virgil followed him, holding hands.


"Do you really think I look good in these? Or were you just saying that so I didn't feel bad?" Roman frowned, looking in his mirror. Virgil was sitting on the Prince's bed, looking into the mirror over his boyfriend's shoulder.

"You do look good, I promise. The only one around here that's okay with lying, especially to you, is Deceit," Virgil replied reassuringly. Roman grinned at himself in the mirror and turned to look at Virgil. "Do I look like snakeface?" The emo continued.

"Well, sort of. We all look exactly like Thomas, so you could technically say that you-" Roman pointed out.

"You realize that based upon that logic, you do too, right?" Virgil smirked, and Roman gasped dramatically with his hand over his heart.

"You used my own logic against me! You've beat me at my own game!" The creative Side flopped onto the bed next to Virgil. "I shan't go on," he moaned, and Virgil sighed, lying down so that his head was on top of Roman's stomach.

"I think you're cute either way, Princey," he said. The two of them sat up to face each other, and Virgil reached up and tilted his boyfriend's glasses so that they rested unevenly on his face.

"Well, of course I am," Roman laughed. "I look cute in everything."

"Then why would you doubt it?" Virgil asked, kissing him lightly on the lips before the prince could answer.

"Dunno," he mumbled against Virgil's mouth, and their kiss deepened.

The emo immediately took charge of it, and Roman quickly melted into him. "You're a really good kisser," he mumbled between breaths. Virgil smirked.

"I know."


"Hey, Lo, have you seen the kids?" Patton asked.

"Patton, for the last time, Roman and Virgil are not our children," Logan sighed.

"I will physically fight you," the dad warned, but the logical Side only rolled his eyes.

"They were in Roman's room, last I saw them. Best not to disturb them. Don't want to interrupt-"

"Prinxiety, though," Patton whined. "They're so cute!"

"So are we," Logan said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's true," Patton grinned, pulling a small smile from Logan. "C'mere. We'll find them later. For now, let's just hang out, alright?"

"Alright. I love you, Pat," Logan said, pulling Patton into a hug.

"Love you, Lo," Patton replied cheerfully.

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