Poor Thing (Prinxiety)

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Trigger Warnings: abuse (physical or otherwise)

"Mine," Deceit muttered in his sleep, pulling a slightly uncomfortable Virgil closer to him. The anxious Side couldn't help but be suspicious, but that was just his job, wasn't it? To get nervous about everything? It didn't actually mean anything, he just couldn't help but feel that way.

Virgil was having a hard time falling asleep. He felt uneasy, but he always felt uneasy. In response to his feelings, he returned the hug from his sleeping boyfriend, to know that someone he trusted was right there and wouldn't let anything bad happen to him.


"Love, I need to go to the Mind Palace," Virgil said. "They need me. I can't let them down," he explained to Deceit. "Besides, we're shooting a video soon and they said they wanted everyone's input for ideas."

"Didn't you say they all hated you?" Deceit frowned.

Virgil laughed. "That was awhile ago. And they never hated me, they were just a little scared. I am a bit... dark. And Princey keeps being nice and flirty with me to help me feel more loved. Not that you don't love me, but I was kind of lacking in that department for awhile, and they're trying to make up for it."

"Flirty? Princey flirts with you?" Deceit asked. Virgil missed the dangerous note in his voice.

"Yeah, but he kind of flirts with everyone. It doesn't mean anything. I need to go, love," he said again. Deceit put on a smile.

"Of course," he said. They kissed long and hard. Lately, all their kisses had been a bit heated. "You'd best be on your way. Wouldn't want to disappoint them." They kissed again, and Virgil finally pulled away.

"I really do need to go now, love. I won't be gone too long, just a few hours," he said, stepping away. "Miss you already, love," he added, smirking, before he left.


He appeared in the Mind Palace where Logan rushed past him, holding a large stack of... stuff. Just a lot of stuff. Patton followed him, and Roman walked behind them, a bit more relaxed than the first two.

Upon spotting the emo nightmare, he smiled. "Hello, lovely," he said, putting an arm around his shoulders. This made Virgil smile and blush a little, although you couldn't tell because of the makeup.

"Hey, Roman. How've you been?"

"Nothing's changed all that much. How about you? I noticed you were a little late today?" he asked, sounding slightly concerned.

"Oh, you know. Deceit... kept me a little long. But I'm here now, so..." Roman raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? And... what happened, exactly?" he asked, cringing at himself because he knew he sounded a bit pushy. He wasn't surprised when Virgil stepped away and snapped that it wasn't any of his business. "Sorry," Roman muttered. "Didn't mean for it to come out that way. Just curious."

Virgil sighed. "It's alright. I didn't mean to get so defensive. You didn't have to ask, though."

Roman raised his hands. "I just wanted to make sure he didn't hurt you. He isn't the most pleasant of people to be around, you know. I don't want anything bad to happen. And I certainly don't want you to think it's your fault." Virgil softened when he realized that Roman had been worried about him.

"Oh. Well... no, he didn't do anything," Virgil said. "Nothing bad, anyway. Just wondering... you don't mean anything by it when you flirt with me, right? I mean, it's just because you're the romantic Side and you can't really help yourself. I told De that you were a bit friendly and he seemed a little upset, but I told him you weren't serious and you probably flirt with everybody and..." he trailed off.

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