Collab (Prinxiety/Jonas)

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"What's up everybody?" Thomas flashed a grin to his camera and then sat back next to one of his best friends alive—and maybe something more. "Today I'm here with Jon Cozart, or as some of you might know him, Paint. And believe me, we wouldn't be doing this video without so many requests from all of you guys."

"Yeah, we don't like each other," Job joked, and Thomas laughed breathily.

"Not in the least. But as per your requests today we will be doing..." he paused, and it was slightly awkward before Jon started a drumroll on his lap. "The Pocky Challenge!"

Awkward silence.

"That's why I'm here?" Jon was slightly confused.

"No, I'm joking. We're singing a song. But they really do ship us for some reason so..." he pointed at the camera. "Maybe some point in the future."

"Right!" Jon laughed. "I almost forgot. So today we're singing... what was it again?"


Their playful banter went on for another half a minute before Roman groaned. "All this ridiculous flirting is awesome. But we need to sing the song it's so good and people need to hear it! I worked hard on this thing!"

"Calm down, Princey. We'll sing the song, you know we will. Just remind Thomas of what he needs to do. Preferably without popping out of his head and scaring the living daylights out of Jon," Virgil rolled his eyes, smirking fondly at the prince in front of him.

"Okay! Okay. Just gonna really quickly..." Roman closed his eyes and concentrated for a second before Thomas got back on track.


"Oh, right. We are dragging this on way too long. Let's just..." Thomas cleated his throat and picked up his ukelele. He strummed a chord and Jon grinned at him.

"Yeah, we probably should," he said, and they began singing.


Thomas turned the camera off and let out a nearly unnoticeable breath of relief. His heart was racing. It usually did that when Jon smiled at him, or when he sang. He had the most beautiful voice that Thomas had ever heard.

"That was fun," he said, grinning shyly.

"Yeah, it was," Jon replied, with a small smile on his lips. "I'd say I regret throwing you off with my fabulous flirting skills, but I did enjoy it."

"Same here. Wait, flirting?" His eyes widened in surprise.


Roman dragged a hand down his face. "You're telling me that Thomas didn't recognize that flirting when it was LITERALLY IN FRONT OF HIS FACE?"

"Calm down, kiddo, I'm sure that Thomas was just a little surprised," Patton said. "Not to mention, he's had a crush on Jon for a long time now. You can't expect him to not be freaking out a little."

"No, of course he is. Because I am! It has been ages since he and Jon got together and made a video. I'm ecstatic that for once Jon is flirting!" Roman cried. "But Thomas couldn't even tell?"

"Princey, you're gonna hurt yourself. Just calm down. Besides, Jon is just a flirt in general. It probably doesn't mean anything," Virgil informed him.

"You don't know that, Marilyn Mon-woe. What if it does mean something?" Roman sighed.

"Then you're taking too long to react and now Thomas is just sitting awkwardly. I know you told me to stay away from romancey stuff but someone needs to do something," he rolled his eyes and Roman stiffened.


"Sorry. I mean, yeah. I knew what you were... Sorry. Yeah," Thomas stuttered.

Jon laughed slightly. Thomas was clearly flustered, and part of him was kind of guilty for making the poor guy so nervous. The rest of him was happy because he was making Thomas nervous. "It's fine. Are you... fine? Or free tomorrow night?"

Thomas's eyes widened further if that was possible.


"Roman, please don't pass out," Logan pleaded.

"JonwantstogoonadatewithThomas!" he rambled. "Jon. Thomas. Date. I'm going to pass out."

"Wouldn't that be more of a 'fair maiden' thing to do?" Virgil pointed out.

"No, you're thinking of fainting. I'm about to pass out. There's a difference," Roman defended himself.

Logan and Virgil replied simultaneously. "There's no difference."


"Yeah, sure!" Thomas regained his composure. "I... um... I guess I have your number already," Thomas scratched the back of his neck. "I haven't done this in awhile."

"I know. It's about time you had some fun alone with another guy. Especially if that guy was me," Jon shrugged. "I'll pick you up at... six thirty sound good?"

"Sure, where would we be going?"

"It's a surprise," Jon winked. "I'll see you tomorrow, Thomas," he grinned, then got up to go.


Everyone in the Mind Palace was screaming.

"Don't just leave him there, say something!" Roman yelled.

"Don't come off too strong or he might get weirded out!" Virgil added.

"Just relax and don't freak out!" Logan screamed over the others.

"I really want cookies!" Patton said.

Everyone stopped. "What?" Roman raised an eyebrow.

"Cookies," Patton repeated. The other three facepalmed.


"That sounds like a lot of fun, Jon," Thomas stood and followed his crush to the door. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then," he added shyly.

"Yep! Bye, Thomas," Jon replied cheerfully. And with that, he was gone.

Thomas watched as Jon's car drove away, and as soon as he couldn't see it anymore, he face planted on his couch and screamed into his throw pillow.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yeeeeees!" he yelled, and then sat up. "Cookies sound like a good idea right now."


"Patton!" Roman chided.

"What? I like cookies," the dad defended himself.

"We are well aware, Patton," Logan rolled his eyes.

"But not as much as Roman likes Virgil," Patton said quickly and then disappeared. Logan glanced between the two remaining Sides and promptly followed suit.

"I told him that in confidence—" Roman huffed.

"But it's true?" Virgil smirked.

"Well, I—"

"Yes or no, Princey. No need to make it complicated."

"If you want me to make it as simple as possible, then..." Roman took a deep breath and pulled the shocked emo into a kiss.

After the half second it took Virgil to process what was happening, he melted into Roman and deepened the kiss.

The prince let out a small moan and Virgil took his chance to slide his tongue inside Roman's mouth, and was met with no resistance.

Approximately twenty three heated seconds later, they pulled apart, both of them beet-red and breathless.

"I'll take that as a yes, then?" Virgil muttered, still holding the brightly clad prince to his chest.

"Definitely. And I'll take that as an invitation to kiss you again," Roman smirked.


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