Flustered (Prinxiety)

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Thomas decided it had been far too long since he had a Q&A episode of Sanders Sides, and none of them had opposed, not even Virgil, surprisingly.

The first question was for Logan. Thomas read it off, "So Logan, we know you aren't actually a robot so you must have feelings, although you don't like them. Any examples? If you need help, Patton's the expert."

"Oh. Well in that case... Patton, could you actually... come over here? If that's possible, I mean."

"Oh, of course. I think I know where this is going," the Dad replied, grinning deviously. He stepped over to Logan and they kissed for half a second, Roman aww-ing and Virgil pretending to gag.

The second one was for all of them. "Sing the first two lines of the first Disney song that pops into your head. Love you all, by the way!"

"Aww! We love you too!" Patton squealed happily.

Virgil surprised everyone else when he was the first one to sing. "All my life has been a series of doors in my face. And then suddenly I bumped into you," he sang quietly. Roman's face brightened as he continued the duet. He'd been thinking of the same one.

"I've been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe it's the party talking, or the chocolate fondue. But with you..." he went on, gesturing for the emo nightmare to sing with him, but Virgil just snorted.

"Nope. They asked for the first two lines. I'm not singing more."

"Fine," Princey grumbled. "Next question."

"Okay," Thomas said, grinning, as he read the next question to himself. "Ooh, yes. This one. Alright. Roman and Virgil, you both know what Prinxiety is since Patton probably made you look at fanart or fanfic. I know you probably aren't dating, but who do you think could be flustered more easily?"

"That's easy. Definitely My Chemically Imbalanced Romance," Roman chuckled.

"Don't be so sure about that, Sir Sing-A-Lot," The emo nightmare replied, smirking.

"Oh, is that a challenge coming from the fairest of them all?" he grinned.

"Of course. I had no idea I was a mirror, seeing as the fairest one is you, though," he replied. Princey blushed lightly, but none of them except Virgil noticed. He smiled triumphantly and mouthed 'later.' He got a nod in reply.

"Alright. I have no idea what that was, but... next question?" Thomas asked, clearing his throat. Logan's jaw was slightly dropped, and Patton was holding in excited squeals. He ranted quite often to his boyfriend that he was definitely a Prinxiety shipper and he was really, really happy it was coming true right in front of his eyes.


The two had constantly flirted throughout the rest of the video, and as soon as they sank down back into the mind, Roman decided to get revenge for earlier.

He pinned the emo against the wall and Logan and Patton quickly ran away, Patton screaming "I HOPE THEY KISS!" on their way to Logan's room.

Virgil just laughed. He'd expected this
much at least, and figured Roman was just going to be a horrible tease.

He wasn't in the least bit surprised when their lips got too close together, and although he blushed, it wasn't noticeable under his pale foundation.

What he didn't expect was for the prince to nip at his bottom lip. His breath hitched and he accidentally let out a whimper. Roman laughed quietly at the reaction, only loud enough for the other to hear.

Virgil quickly composed himself, however, and caught Princey off guard, managing to flip so that Roman's back was now pressed against the wall.

"Tides are turned now," he muttered into the prince's ear, then pressing his lips to his jawline. He trailed kisses down his neck, and felt him shiver when he got to a sensitive spot. He smiled against his skin.

"Playing that way?" Roman whispered. He took the other's face in his hands and tilted his chin up, forcing eye contact. Simultaneously, they closed the gap, kissing each other passionately. They fought for dominance over the kiss, melting into one another.

For never having kissed anyone, Virgil was actually quite good at it. Roman eventually gave up, letting him lead the way.

A couple seconds later, they pulled away, just for oxygen.

"Hey, Princey," Virgil smirked. "You really are cute when you're flustered."

"I'm not... I... I am so not f-flustered," he stuttered, half-panting for breath. "But that was fun."

"Oh?" the emo grinned widely caressing the other's cheek. "Was it really?" He leaned in again so their noses touched, but kept himself from kissing the other trait.

Roman nodded, at a loss for words. "Fine. Maybe I'm a little bit... you win," he admitted. "Can we... Can we kiss again?"

"Why?" Virgil frowned, pulling away. "It was just for the game, wasn't it? I didn't think there was actually a way you could like me back," he sighed, adding the last part under his breath, not wanting anyone else to hear, even though no one was there.

"Oh, you don't think I kiss just anybody, do you?" he smiled genuinely, pulling the too-easily-convinced emo into another kiss.

After they pulled away again and just held each other, Roman mumbled against Virgil's forehead, "Be my boyfriend?"

He just nodded in reply, grinning stupidly. It might be hard to do, but Roman finally got Virgil flustered.

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