New Kids (Prinxiety/Logicality)

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High School AU

Virgil was scared, to say the least. He didn't really want to go to any school, but if he had to, he'd rather go to his old one, where at least people knew who he was and didn't bother him. Sure, no one talked to him at all, but he preferred a life of solitude. Being a new kid in a school full of strangers was the introverted emo's worst nightmare. He had horrendous social anxiety and although he stuttered rarely, his mind made him feel like he could barely speak in coherent sentences when put on the spot. He wasn't looking forward to the new year.


Patton couldn't wait for the new year to start. Before he knew it, he'd graduate and get a job and explore the world and meets loads of new people and make friends everywhere he went. He loved school, of course, but he just wanted to get out of the building sometimes and see everything the world had to offer. And he couldn't wait. He was new to the district, but he was sure that everyone would love him. After all, everyone at his old school had and he got along with everyone.


Roman was only excited because he'd heard that the school had a great music department and put on musicals each year. Besides that, he figured there was nothing else to look forward to. Well, maybe English. He knew that he'd probably read Romeo and Juliet in that class, although to be honest, he'd already read tons of Shakespeare, naturally including the story of two idiotic star-crossed lovers. The playwright was brilliant, but that really wasn't how any teenagers in their right minds behaved. Right?


Logan didn't enjoy socializing with others. He didn't have to. In his old school, he hadn't made many friends and he was the valedictorian, even though he'd only been a freshman, with hundreds in each class. His teachers would've given him higher than that, since he also did every single extra credit project for fun, but that wasn't possible. Now he was starting at Sanders High as a sophomore, and figured that this coming year wouldn't be any different.


Remy liked sleeping. And Starbucks. He didn't really care for any of the subjects taught at any school ever, unless there was a class for high school students that was only nap time, constantly. Because to be honest, teenagers needed a designated nap time much more than kindergarteners did. Children had never-ending bouts of energy, but all he'd ever had was a pile of homework a mile high, and then his teachers asked why he was always tired. Gee, he really had no idea. Too bad this new school wouldn't be any different.


Deceit had a reputation for being a liar. That was why people called him 'Deceit.' Heck, most people didn't even know his real name, so eventually everyone called him that. (he's the only one in this who isn't new to Sanders High, btw) He liked to mess with people and toy with their emotions, and then laugh when he deserted them. Yet another reason why nobody trusted him. He loved it.


"Virgil! You're going to be late for your first day at your new school," Virgil's dad called up the stairs. He bolted out of bed and put on his usual emo garb; black ripped skinny jeans, black hoodie, deep purple t-shirt, and a pair of purple Converse. He quickly ran a comb from his (surprise) purple hair and applied some eyeshadow under his eyes.

His dad sighed when he saw his son. "This is why you don't have any friends," he said bluntly. "You put on this dark persona and you wonder why everybody is scared of you."

"I don't wonder," he replied simply, grabbing an apple and taking a bite. "I don't want any friends. It worked in the last school, and it should work here."

"Virgil..." his dad sighed.

"What? I don't need people to tell me how great I am. I know perfectly well what I am and am not. Besides, I'm not great at receiving compliments anyway, so... yeah."

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