Worthless (Prinxiety)

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Trigger Warning: Mention of self-harm

"Has anyone seen Princey lately?" Virgil asked te other two Sides.

"Roman? No, I haven't," Logan replied. "I have noticed that he hasn't been around as much."

"We should go look for him!" Patton said.

"Agreed. Virgil, didn't you disappear for a couple of days at a time before we all got to know you better?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, and that's what I'm worried about. I'll check his room, and if I'm right about what's going on with him, don't walk in on us. Please. I know how to deal with this. Patton, you look in the Imagination. Logan, maybe check all the other places you can think of."

"Copy that," Logan nodded and set off.

"Alright. Oh, if you're right, then what is going on with Roman?" Patton asked innocently.

Virgil hesitated before taking in a deep breath to answer. "It's not good."

"But... why can't I help?"

"Trust me on this, Patton. I know what he needs, and if there's a lot of people there, it might make it worse." He paused before continuing. "I promise, if he needs more help, I'll come to you first."

That seemed to make Patton relax a little bit. He nodded and disappeared into the Imagination.

Virgil sighed and muttered to himself as he went down to Roman's room. "Please be okay, please let me be wrong."

He got to the prince's door and knocked.

"G-go away," he heard from inside. "I'm-I'm fine." Virgil listened closer and heard soft sobs from the room.

"Roman? It's me," Virgil said quietly. "I'm coming inside. Trust me, I'll help you."

"V-Virgil?" Roman sniffed.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm coming inside, okay?"

"O-okay. Okay." Virgil slowly opened the door and saw the prince curled up in a ball, clad in sweats. There were tear streaks down his cheeks, and his usual outfit was wrinkled and thrown in a corner. His normally neat room was a mess. Unfortunately, Virgil was accustomed to that type of environment. Just not with Roman.

"Hey, Princey," Virgil said quietly.

"Hi," he replied timidly.

"Do you want a hug?" Virgil asked.

"N-not really."

"Do you need anything at all?"

"I j-just don't want to be alone right now. I... I don't think I can trust myself alone right now," Roman sighed.

Virgil's breath hitched. "Roman, could I see your arms?"

"W-What? Why?" he crossed his arms and hugged his chest.

"Did you hurt yourself?" the emo asked carefully. His heart shattered when the prince just sort of rag-dolled, and his eyes got a far-away look in them. He rolled up his sleeves.

"Roman... why?" Virgil asked, carefully taking the unusually frail prince's hands in his own. There were scars and cuts all down Roman's arms, most of them fresh. A couple of them were still dripping blood.

"I don't really know. I've just been at a low. A very low low. I feel like..." he sighed. "I don't know, like people don't really care about me all that much. Like I'm some sort of worthless... you probably don't get it. I don't know why I'm trying. Go away."

"I've been there, believe me. I'm going to show you something, and you need to promise me that you won't tell Patton or Logan. They'll freak out," Virgil said. He rolled up his own sleeves. Pale scars lined his forearms. Roman's eyes widened. Virgil unrolled his sleeve and took Roman's hands again. "It gets better. And trust me, we all care about you. You're not a joke, and you're definitely not worthless."

Roman looked as if he was at a loss for words, which would be a first for him. Virgil didn't expect him to say anything anyway.

Finally, he muttered, "Thanks, Virge," and gave the tiniest smile Virgil had ever seen on him.

"Come on, I'll help you get cleaned up, then I'll get Logan and Patton to let them know you're fine. And I'll get you something to eat. You're scrawnier than I am, and that's not healthy," Virgil told the creative Side, and together they went to Roman's bathroom.


Fifteen minutes later, Roman was cleaned up and he was in his usual princely garb. He was already starting to feel more like himself.

Virgil had made him a sandwich and he devoured it in about five seconds, not having realized how hungry he'd been. In all fairness, he hadn't eaten in days.

Patton and Logan had come back, and were very relieved to know that Roman was okay. Neither Virgil or Roman mentioned anything about what had gone on. When Patton asked what had been wrong, Virgil had just said it didn't matter and that everything was okay now, so he let it go.

"Anyway, it's great to see you again, Roman," Patton said cheerfully.

"Yeah, it is pretty good to be back. I didn't realize how much I missed you guys," he smiled tiredly.


"Hey, Virgil?" Roman started shyly once Logan and Patton had already gone to bed.

"Yeah, Princey?" Virgil replied.

"Would you... I mean, I'd appreciate it, I guess, if you could... sleep in my room? Just tonight?" he asked, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

Virgil smiled at him. "Sure, Princey. As long as you need. Or want," he added, winking. Roman cracked a smile.

"Thanks, Virge," he said, blushing slightly.

"Anytime, Romano," Virgil smirked and gently laced his fingers through Roman's.

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