Kitten (Prinxiety)

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"Hey, Virge?" Roman called from the living room. No reply. "Virgil," he said again. "Anxiety, don't make me summon you," he continued, starting to get annoyed. The prince sighed. He wouldn't do that, but he had no problem walking into his boyfriend's room unannounced. Which he did do.

When he arrived, he cracked the door open to peer inside. "Virgil, you here?" he asked. No reply. Then he felt a tiny scratch at his leg. He looked down, and there sat a tiny black kitten staring up at him. No, glaring up at him. The cat was glaring at him. "What the..." he mumbled, bending down to further inspect it. "Did Virgil get a cat and not tell me?"

The kitten shook his head and walked away, then pausing to look back at Roman, as if telling him to follow.

So he did. The cat jumped onto Virgil's bed and looked around, as though it was trying to think. Roman sat down next to it and it jumped onto his shoulder, rubbing its nose affectionately against his cheek.

"Wow, mood swing much?" he asked it, laughing. He reached up to pet it, and it let him stroke his head a couple times. "This might seem weird, but you actually remind me a bit of Virgil," he said. Upon this, the little kitten seemed to nod frantically, and suddenly Roman understood. "Wait, are you Virgil?" It-Virgil-nodded again. He smiled. "Did my wittle boyfwend get shtuck?" Virgil rolled his eyes as of saying DUH. "Does he need my help?" he continued in the babying voice, and Virgil hissed. "Alright, I'll stop."

Then the creative Side got an idea. "Okay, so... purr for yes, hiss for no." Virgil purred in response, and Roman's heart melted. He was just too adorable. "Do you know how this happened?" Purr. "Oh? Was it one of the Sides?" Purr. "Me?" Hiss. "Patton?" Hiss. "So this is Logan's fault?" Purr. "Do you know why?" Purr. "Another experiment?" Purr. "Okay, c'mere," Roman gently lifted the emo kitten onto his shoulder again and hurried to Logan's room. He didn't bother knocking. "Logan, what did you do?" he said, almost growling.

The logical Side jumped at the sudden entrance and smiled nervously. "In my defense, he agreed to help me. I'm trying to find an antidote..." he trailed off, quickly turning back to his lab stuff. Why did he always have so much stuff?

Just then, Patton walked by and saw everyone gathered in Logan's room. "What's going on? Where's Virgil? And why is there a cat? I'm..." he sneezed loudly. "I'm very allergic." Roman and Virgil were both glaring at Logan, who stood up and scratched the back of his neck.

"The cat... is... Virgil," he explained. "I wanted to see if there was something we could make so that we could change into whatever animal we wanted permanently. I don't know. Thomas just kind of got a random idea and asked me to do it. So I did. I had an antidote prepared, but it didn't work."

"And you agreed to that?" Roman asked his boyfriend, who was perched on his shoulder and hissed again.

"The antidote didn't work?" Patton asked, confused. "But you never make mistakes with stuff like that."

"Again, I'm confused as well. I don't understand why it didn't work. It should have worked. I don't make mistakes with things like this," Logan sighed exasperatedly. "My calculations were precise, and I wouldn't have given Virgil the first solution if I weren't positive the antidote were perfect." The kitten continued to sulk. "I promise you, Virgil, I'm doing my hardest to revise it, but to be honest, I don't know what to revise. I triple-checked the math and everything. I even asked Siri! I made no mistakes. Something else has got to be going on here."

"Oh, like what?" Roman grumbled, scowling. "If you're absolutely sure that the antidote should've worked and it didn't, and there's nothing you can do to fix it, is... is he gonna be stuck like this forever?"

Virgil the Cat started to tremble, and Roman pulled him into his arms, stroking him softly, trying to ignore the claws digging into the back of his hand.

"I-I assure you," Logan said, "he will not be like that forever. I'm working on it hard. It's my only priority at the moment."

"Virge..." Roman whispered to the terrified kitten in his arms, "I'm bleeding. I know it's scary," he murmured. "But maybe retract your claws." He shakily nodded and pulled back his claws.


A few hours later, Roman held a now sleeping black kitten close to his chest. He himself was starting to drift off, but he didn't want Virgil to hurt himself in any way, shape, or form, so he forced himself to stay awake.

Logan bolted into the living room holding up a vial. His hair was sticking up in random places and his glasses were sideways, and his tie had mysteriously disappeared. "I... I got it... I think..." he panted. Patton followed behind him.

"I'm gonna stand back over here," he said, gasping for breath. "Not because I dislike any of you. I'm just extremely allergic to kittens. Sorry, Virgil," he apologized to the kitten who was now wide awake.

He mewed softly and jumped from Roman to sit at Logan's feet. The exhausted logical Side knelt and gingerly picked up the kitten to give his the antidote. Then he placed him back on the floor.

There was a flash of bright light. When they could see again, there was a very cranky Virgil sitting in the middle of the floor. "What the heck, Logan?" he grumbled, standing up. "You said you had it figured out, then I passed out, and I was a cat, and then I was still a cat, and now I'm me again, and... ugh." He clutched his forehead. "Headache."

"I... I am very sorry, Virgil, I really have no idea where I went wrong," Logan stared at his feet.

Virgil sighed. "I guess it's... fine. I'm back now. There's no cats. Patton shouldn't sneeze anymore. Roman can get cuddles from a person instead of a tiny little cat."

"You did make a nice kitten," Roman teased.

"Scratch that. Roman doesn't get any cuddles. My point is *offended Princey noise* that you messed up and you fixed it and no grudges."

"You're taking this surprisingly well. I am still tremendously sorry, but... thank you for accepting my apology. This changes nothing, right?"

"Nah. It's fine. Come on, Princey, let's go do something," he said, grabbing Roman by the wrist and dragging him to the prince's room.

"But you said no cuddles," Roman raised an eyebrow, slightly confused.

"Oh, I had something a bit more fun in mind," the emo smirked, and Roman blushed.

"Still trying to get me flustered?" he asked, slightly nervous.

"Just a little."

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