Chapter 40

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Baby girl Jackson entered the world 2 months early and at the side of a road 45 minutes ago. I have not yet been able to see her as she is currently being checked over by the nurses to make sure that she is okay. An early delivery was always a possibility considering how quickly Whitney fell pregnant after the birth of her youngest child, Joey. Joey was only 4 months old when Whitney fell pregnant so her pregnancy was classed as high risk because her midwife feared that that baby would come early, but Whitney never seemed too worried about it. I doubt that her alcohol intake and the stress of the argument she had with Sarah helped matters though. Sarah is the hero of the day and delivered the baby like an expert while trying to keep Whitney as calm as possible. Cheryl and I have just arrived at the hospital and Sarah has just filled us in on what has happened and i can not get my head around the fact that Sarah was the one to bring the baby into the world. Sarah looks as white as a ghost and her hands are still trembling so I hug her, and she sinks into my body and clings onto me like all she needed right now was to be held by someone. Apparently at one point the baby's cord was wrapped around it's neck and without thinking about what was happening or what she was doing Sarah saved the baby's life while Whitney screamed and asked God to make sure that her new, little daughter would be okay.

When we go into Whitney's room her head is dropped back onto the big, white pillow and she is sleeping peacefully, recovering from her ordeal. Her make up is smudged, there is little beads of sweat gathering on her forehead that her hair is sticking to but considering what she has just been through she looks much better than I expected her to. The baby was whisked away as soon as they arrived at the hospital but according to Sarah she seemed to be doing well, she is beautiful and has a good set of lungs on her which made me laugh when Cheryl said that she must take after her mother .

When I touch Whitney's hand she slowly wakes up and her eyes flutter open. For a few seconds she does not know where she is or what has happened. Suddenly remembering that she has a new daughter she sits ups quickly and winces at the pain that goes through her body. "Where's my baby? What's happened to my baby?" She asks frantically and she tries to climb out of bed so Cheryl has to step in and stop her.

"Shh, calm down" Cheryl tells her in a soft voice that is no more than a whisper. She holds her hand and smiles into her worried face. "Everything is fine, Whit. The nurses are just checking her over and they said that they're going to bring her back to you in a few"

"She's beautiful, Whitney" Sarah tells her with tears gathering in her eyes once again and Whitney manages a weak smile.

"Thank you for everything, I mean it. Thank you"

"You don't have to thank me but I don't think that I'll ever be able to sleep again" Sarah jokes and shares a smile with the woman she could not stand the sight of a good few hours ago.

"Where's Lilly and the boys?" Whitney asks.

"They're fine" I smile at her now. "They woke up when I was leaving with Cheryl but they are all okay. We left them with Nadine so there is no need to worry. Sarah said that you did such a good job, I'm so proud of you" I kiss her forehead and she smiles again. Paisley was inquisitive as we left the little chalet. It is 1am so she knows that my "We're going to the shop to help Whitney find some chocolate" excuse was nothing more than a lie and i could have came up with a better excuse if i wasn't in such a mad rush but she didn't ask too many questions, she is far too bothered about the teddy that she won at the talent competition. Because of the drama that was going on between Sarah and Whitney we accidentally left it behind and she is upset about it.

"Do the nurses know I had been drinking?" Whitney whispers. "If they know they'll be straight on the phone to the social and I can't lose my kids, I just cant"

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