Chapter 28

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I sing silly songs to the kids while i am making everyone's breakfasts. The kid's love my stupid little songs but Garry is not too keen and keeps complaining that it is too early for me to give him a bad head. I am making beans on toast for the kids and scrambled eggs on toast for Cheryl, Joan, Garry and i.

Alaina and Hailie have nearly finished their breakfasts but Paisley is putting up a fight. Her eating habits drive me bonkers but i try not to let it get to me today because i woke up in a great mood and so did Cheryl as it is her videoshoot for Mama's hand this afternoon. 

"Go on, eat it all up. You've got big day ahead of you so you'll need lots of energy" Cheryl tells Paisley. She is just staring at the food in front of her with a scowl and then looks up at me.

"What is the matter?"

"I don't want this. I wanted nutella and one of those pink donuts with the sprinkles that Nana Joan got us from the shop yesterday"

"Don't start, Paisley. Please eat the breakfast that i have made you and don't start being naughty because your Nana Joan is tired and can't be bothered with your tantrums this morning"

"But Nana Joan loves me" Paisley states making Joan laugh and she nods her head with a smile while reaching across the table and squeezing Paisley's hand.

"Of course i love you but i want you to eat your breakfast too. I wouldn't push your luck because your mam will cancel the shoot toddy and you don't want that do you?"

No, i want you wear my new dress like Laney"

"Well then you better get eating" Joan urges her and with a bit of encouragement Paisley starts to eat the food that i put in front of her. I always find that she is better behaved for her Nana Joan than anyone else. She prefers Cheryl's mum to mine and that much is obvious. My mum knows that as well as the rest of us because Paisley told her awhile go when Joan had just left London to go back to the rest of her family in Newcastle and i am sure that it broke my mother's heart because Paisley is her first grandchild and when Paisley was younger my mum doted on her. 

Alaina and Hailie are still sat happily. They always seem to make a mess so there is baked beans everywhere, including on Alaina's lap which is making Garry laugh. He said that he would sit with them to keep them entertained while they eat but i am starting to think that it is the other way around. 

"How have you got beans in your hair, eh?" He plucks one out of Hailie's light hair then tickles her chin which makes her laugh adorably.

"What time are you expecting everyone?" I ask Cheryl when the doorbell ring and she glances at the clock on the wall with a confused expression.

"Not until 12:30 so it shouldn't be them. Lucy is coming over at 11ish so it shouldn't be her either" We are all wondering who it could be at this time it is morning. It is only 7am and we haven't long been up. Just as i am about to get up to get the door Joan beats me to it. She looks worse for wear today as she is feeling under the weather but that doesn't stop her from mothering us all.

"Finish your breakfast, Kimberley. It'll just be a leaflet or something" She insists. After wiping the corners of her mouth she goes down the hallway to get the door. Cheryl, Garry and i all press our lips firmly together and try not to laugh when the doorbell rings again and we hear Joan cursing to herself at the lack of patience whoever is stood outside our house has.

"You're here early, come on in. We thought you were a Jehovah witness or something" Joans voice is jovial, like she is talking to someone that she knows so i get up to see who it is and i am surprised to see my little sister stood in my hallway with a smile on her face.

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