Chapter 26

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It is the morning of the release of Cheryl's new single "Mama's hand" and Cheryl woke up at the crack of dawn. The song has been available to stream since 6am and Cheryl woke me up to tell me that it is successfully on spotify and she has already been receiving loads of tweets from happy fans who all seem to love the song. We scrolled through twitter together for a bit before i fell back asleep but the voices from our bedroom have just woken me up because the girls are in here getting ready for school with Cheryl and they seem just as excited as she is as she shows them their new outfits for the video shoot tomorrow. I open one eye and see Paisley jumping up and down with excitement. She loves getting new clothes, especially new dresses so she is over the moon with her brand new outfit and can not wait to put it on. "Can i put it on now and wear it for school?"

Cheryl peals Alaina's pyjama top over her head and then does the same to Paisley "Not today, baby. We need to keep it clean for the shoot tomorrow, don't we? You can try it on tonight after your bath if you would like though?"

"Do i have to have a bath tonight?"

"Yes you do, you stinky little monster!" Cheryl laughs and now pulls Paisley's polo shirt over her head and Paisley pushes her arms out through the holes. Once it is on she lifts up her arm and sniffs herself.

"I don't smell but Laney does. I think her nappy needs changed"

"Again?" Cheryl exclaims. "That'll be the second time this morning!"

"Laney's a poo machine!" Paisley laughs at her own joke and Cheryl swing Alaina around while singing Love Machine but changing the words to make it more fitting to this situation. Paisley is loving it and i hide my face in the duvet so they don't see me grinning along with them. Once her lovely but hilarious song is over and the girls are dressed for the day she shoos them out of the room.

"Go on downstairs and find Hailie and Nana Joan and ask her to change Alaina's nappy for us" Cheryl asks them cheekily and Paisley skips downstairs with her little sister following slowly behind her.

Unable to pretend to be asleep much longer i start to laugh, i cant help myself and as soon as Cheryl hears me chuckling she jumps onto the bed. "Did you really just palm Alaina and her shitty nappy off on your mother?" I continue to giggle and she does too. She is terrible at times, i can't believe her.

"Me mam won't mind. How long have you been awake?"

"Not long. I must've fallen back asleep after you woke us up screaming. I'm shattered" I yawn and Cheryl rolls on top of me with a smile on her face. She looks down at me and squeezes my cheeks together as she kisses me three times in a row. I enjoy these few minutes with her before we have to get back to reality and start school runs, interviews and grocery shops. When i run my nails up the back of her thighs she grinds into me then laughs at my reaction.

"After the dream i have just had i wouldn't do that if i was you"

"Hm, what kind of dream was it?" She teases.

"The kind that always leaves me worked up beyond belief" I whisper into her ear and she turns her face into me to kiss my neck.

"We'll have to do something about that"

"As much as i'd love to, i can't. I need to get up and have a quick shower otherwise i'll never get the girls to school on time"

"Me mam's taking them for us, i forgot to tell you. Hailie can't wait to get the bus. She's been singing the 'wheels on the bus' all morning' bless her" I shake my head but Cheryl puts her finger against my lips before i can protest. "Don't argue with us. You're going to get yourself up and once I've made sure the kids and me mam are alright i'm going to jump in the shower with you and then you're coming to work with me" I laugh but she doesn't join in with me. She just leans forward and runs her thumb along my lower lip. "I'm being serious. Come to me interviews with us"

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