Chapter 38

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I am in my element as I sit under the sun enjoying a cold drink and the company of Cheryl and Whitney. Whitney is in a great mood today and has not stopped cracking jokes since she barged her way into our chalet this morning. Sarah is giving her a wide birth, so they have not spoken today let alone argued, I just hope the harmony between them lasts. I am sat watching Sarah in the swimming pool with Nadine and the children. Sarah is trying to teach Lilly to swim, she taught Paisley last year so she is now like a little fish in the water, she absolutely loves it and so does Alaina who is squealing with delight as Nadine pulls her around the water by her little hands. It is nice to see all of the children getting on nicely without any bickering, arguing or fighting but I do wish that Junie was here as he was looking forward to going swimming today until he found out about a football academy holiday club that he was eager to spend the day at and Whitney was thrilled at the prospect of having one less child when she found out that it was free so she sent him on his way.

Sitting under the sun that is scorching with a happy Cheryl who has had a smile on her face all day is my idea of heaven and Whitney keeps making us laugh with her quick wit and unapologetic sense of humour. When she spots a couple that we met this morning stood by the outdoor bar she leans forward and nudges Cheryl's arm before nodding her head towards the couple that are hand in hand. "Your friends are here" She giggles childishly, and Cheryl looks to see who she is talking about.

"Oh, shut up!" Cheryl says, and Whitney starts to laugh.

"What? I'd keep an eye on him if I was you, Kim. He definitely has a thing for Chezza. I saw him ogling over her this morning while he was scranning his bacon butty"

I roll my eyes playfully at my new friend and Cheryl sticks her tongue out at her. The couple are odd to say the least and they are our new neighbours for the next couple of days, they are in the chalet right next to ours and it seems like we cannot get away from them no matter how hard we try. This morning, at the crack of dawn they made a point of introducing themselves to us and Whitney may just be right when she said that the husband may have a bit of a thing for Cheryl. I did notice that he was a little too nice to her and his weird eyes were wandering but I am not sure if Whitney is right or if he just recognised Cheryl as being the nation's sweetheart.

Cheryl waves her hand at Paisley when she shouts her name and then suddenly there is a look of panic on her face which makes me laugh. With her eyes wide and her hand on my wrist she leans forward onto the table just like Whitney has done. "I hope they're not coming over here!" She exclaims as the couple start walking towards us.

"If they do, I'm off. I'm not having people thinking that we're friends with them. It looks like her twins are going to bounce straight out of that bikini top, the way she is skipping around, and I can do without seeing that" Whitney comments.

"Eee I know" Cheryl chuckles and puts her hand over her mouth in attempt to hide her amusement. "And what does he look like in those socks and sandals? It is 30 degrees and he's got them on with a pair of speedos"

Whitney laughs out loud unlike me as I am terrified that they are going to hear her and Cheryl slagging them off. They may be a bit weird, but I am sure they are nice people... I can do without finding out though, striking up a friendship is not on my agender and like Cheryl, I would prefer for them to keep their distance.

While continuing to laugh Whitney looks at the man's strange choice of a swimming costume. "Look how tight those speedos are and all, they can't be doing his bits any good"

"You're right there, I'm sure he's a pervert and she's just as bad. I opened the curtains this morning and their's were open too so I could see right through their window. She was floating around with a duster in her hand and she had not a stitch on, I didn't know where to look, I was mortified! I've never been so uncomfortable in me life"

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