Chapter 39

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It took two security men to drag Sarah out of the clubhouse. She swore that she would not hit Whitney in her condition, but she had already given her a hefty shove and when Whitney retaliated, and things got even more heated security had to get involved to make sure that no serious damage was done. I am outside with Sarah now and she is pacing backwards and forwards with the palms of her hands pressed to her forehead and I am trying to calm her down and understand the situation, but I can tell by the tone of her voice that she is wanting an argument and I would not put it passed her trying to start one with me. It is cold, dark and it is starting to rain so I am not in the mood for It. At this moment I can not stand the sight of my best friend because it was her that has ruined this night for everyone.

"Right, Sarah just calm down and tell me what is going on" I tell her, and she stops in her tracks.

"Tell you what's going on? I'll tell you what's going on alright. That whore friend of yours tried putting her tongue down my girlfriend's throat, that's what's going on!"

I shake my head in disbelief. "Whitney wouldn't do that... she's doesn't even like women"

"What was she doing then? Trying to clean Nadine's teeth?"

"Look, Sarah. You're drunk and upset but I don't want any more trouble because my daughter is breaking her heart in there and I don't know what has gone on but you should have known better than to start fighting in front of Paisley- "

"I wasn't fighting- "

"Well that's not what it looked like from where I was sitting. Whatever you were doing does not change the fact that you have really frightened poor Paisley. Nadine is in there with her now and she won't stop crying. I don't want to be stuck in the middle of you and Whitney anymore, I just want to get my daughter to bed and I suggest that you come back to the chalet with me and try and sober yourself up because Cheryl is not going to be happy about this when she finds out, believe me"

Sarah opens her mouth but does not say anything because the door opens, and Whitney is stumbling through it. "There you are!" She shouts, her voice just as slurred and her eyes just as unfocused as Sarah's. "Don't you ever lay hands on me again; do you hear me because I will snap your scrawny neck"

I look between the women in horror. There is no way on earth that I am letting Paisley or even Lilly witness another explosive row between these two and it is very late now. It is 10:45 and Whitney and Sarah's shouting and screaming is going to wake everyone that is sleeping in the nearby chalets up. They have already been warned that if they continue to make a scene then we will all be asked to leave the site and to not return and that is the last thing that I want. I am already looking forward to coming back here with the rest of my family so if these two ruin that I will not be best pleased.

Sarah steps forward and I put my arm out in front of her to stop her from getting too close to Whitney. "You cheeky little cow. How dare you speak to me like that after everything that you have done tonight- "

"Everything that I have done?" Whitney screams. "I haven't done anything. You're seeing things! I don't want your bird. I haven't touched her once so clearly there is something wrong with you and you need to get your eyes tested as well as that head of yours. I don't even like women and even if I did, I wouldn't be desperate enough to come after yours"

"Can we just call it a night now and go home?" I pathetically plead but nobody listens to me. I feel like I have lost my voice tonight and I am tired of it. I am starting to wish that this weekend away was never suggested because it has been more grief than anything else. I came here thinking that we were all going to have a lovely time but once again I was wrong.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant