Chapter 36- Fro-Yo & Ice Cream

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Brent's P.O.V

We walked through the doors and I saw Katie's eyes land on someone. It was Luke. The kid that was hitting on them that day at the beach. He had dyed some more blonde highlights into his hair and some girls were basically drooling over him.

"You guys gonna get something?" I asked everyone, hurriedly. Luke sat up straight, his eyes looking Katie up and down.

"Hm? Yeah, sure" Kae smiled. Hayes looked like he was about to punch him. Cam wasn't too impressed either.

We walked over to the counter and started to order.

"Um. Can I get a cookie dough ice cream, a mango frozen yoghurt, a chocolate ice cream, a tropical blast frozen yoghurt and a cookies and cream ice cream?" Kae asked the lady working there.


"We love you too" Cam smiled and winked. I'm pretty sure she just died inside.

"I didn't know you guys lived around here"

"Well we do. But please don't tell anyone. We don't want our details being spread everywhere" I asked her politely.

"Oh. It's fine. So your ice cream comes to a total of $25.70" she grinned like crazy. Cameron handed her our money and she put it into the cash register, giving him the change.

We waited for the ice cream and she slid it across the counter, a smile still plastered on her face.

"Here ya go. I'll see you guys later!" She waved and we sat down, eating our ice cream. We sat down at a booth. Cameron, Me, then Brent on the outside on one side and Livy with Hayes on the outside on the other side.

Once we were finished with our bowls of heaven, we started talking about the summer ahead of us.

"So I can't believe schools finally over this year!" Kae squealed. Damn she's so cute when she's excited.

"I know! And MagCon is coming up, cheer trials! This summer is going to be the best!" Livy grinned.

"I can't wait to see the g-" I got cut off by Luke standing next to me, leaning against the seat.

"Kae, Liv! Didn't expect to see you guys here!" He smiled. I raised an eyebrow, but felt Katie's grip tighten around my waist.

"Well here we are" Kae giggled.

"I didn't catch you at school!" he pouted. Cam scoffed.

"Yeah. That sucks" Hayes said, obviously wanting him to leave.

Katie's P.O.V

I dont even know why Hayes, Brent and Cameron kept acting douche to Luke. He's really sweet, kind, caring, funny and incredibly good looking. Wait...

"So Kae. Can I get your number? We can hang out" Luke smiled. He seemed so sweet. How could I say no!?

"No" Brent said before I could say anything. I lightly pinched the left side of his waist furtherest from mine, since I had my arm around him. He jumped barely noticeable, but Luke gave us a strange look.

"Sure. Give me your phone. I'll type it in" he handed me his iPhone and I added my number making my contact 'Kaeee 🙈 '. I saved it and gave his phone back.

"Awesome! So I guess I'll see you around?"

"Definitely. Bye Luke" I smiled.

"Bye" he smiled and walked back to the table he was sitting at with his friends.

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