Chapter 31- Deal?

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Katie's P.O.V

"Where do you guys wanna go for lunch?" I asked Brent, Livy and Hayes. I don't know where the others went.

"Uhhh. What about McDonalds?" Olivia asked.

"Sure!" We all agreed.

"Well let's go then!" We all headed out the school gates.

"Jack!" I stopped and ran over to him.

"Hey beautiful! What's up?"

"Nothing much. Last day today!" I grinned.

"I know! Glad school's over but now my whole life is ahead of me. All these decisions are hurting my head" he chuckled.

"Well I know you'll choose right. So your party tonight? I'm coming"

"Awesome! Can't wait" he winked.

"Neither! I gotta go, but I'll see ya later?" He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"Bye babe"

"Bye Jack"

I ran up, catching up to the three people trying to ditch me.

"Are you guys trying to leave me or something?"

"Damn it. She's onto us" Brent mumbled under his breath. I playfully smacked his arm.

We talked the whole time while walking to Maccas.

Once we arrived, we ordered our food and payed.

We all sat at a booth for 4. I sat next to Livy, across from Brent, and Hayes across from Livy and next to Brent.

"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Hayes asked everyone.

"Um, Brent and I are going to Jack and Jack's party" I told him.

"Oh. I'm guessing we can't go?" I laughed.

"I wouldn't think so. Teenagers, drunk. Also not very... How do I put it... Appropriate" I don't think either of them understood. Good.

"Um. Okay? But don't forget. We're gonna train tomorrow for tryouts" Livy reminded me.

"Okay. I won't be there too late. Depending on how much I drink" we all laughed.

"That's fine. You two coming?" She asked the guys.

"Sure. Anything to see you two do flips" Hayes winked. I'm surprised this kid doesn't have girls drooling for him. Oh wait, he does. Probably the hottest 14-year-old out there, to be honest. I don't like him like that though. That's just... Weird.

"K I'll be over by 11" she nodded just as our food came.

"You coming, babe?" I asked Brent.

"Hm?" He looked up from his phone.

"Why do you keep looking at you phone?" He's been looking at it the whole day. It's concerning me.

"No reason" he said, looking back at his phone.

"Fine" I looked away. But at the last second, I snapped his phone out of his hands.

"GIVE IT BACK!" He yelled. I froze. I've known him forever and he's never yelled like this at me. It scared me, honestly...

I slowly moved my hand to him, giving him his phone. He took it from my hand. And I stood up. Livy looked at me with concern. I just ran off, out the door. I ran and ran till I found myself at the park.

I didn't really know what came over him. Or me. I never really storm off like that. And Brent never gets angry like that. I guess it kinda caught me off guard.

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