Chapter 34- The Morning After

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Katie's P.O.V

"OH MY GILINSKY . You gave me a fucking heart attack" I put my hand on my heart.

"Sorry babe. Just wondered who was in here because I saw the door open" he chuckled.

"It's fine. Can I use a pair of shorts and a tank top? This dress is uncomfortable" I held them up.

"Sure, but I'd prefer if you didn't" he winked.

"But this dress is- Oh. No!" I laughed. He is such a flirt.

"I know. I know" he laughed.

"I'll give them to ya later" he nodded.

"Okay. Bye babe"

"Bye Gilinsky" I walked out the door, leaving him in there. I turned. He was sat on the bed looking at one of her photo frames. A tear rolled down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away. He stood up and put it back on the dresser.

Jack really did miss his sisters.

I walked into the room we were gonna sleep in and shut the door behind me. And LOCKED it. Hear that? LOCKED it. Even though we weren't gonna do anything.

"I'm back" Brent was passed out under the covers on the bed. I laughed.

"Never mind then" I slipped off my dress and put on the tank top and shorts.

I took out the bow, but left my hair up. I chucked everything into a draw in the bedside cabinet along with my purse.

I slipped under the covers and kissed Brent's cheek. He stirred a bit, but stayed sleeping.

"Night babe" I smiled and fell asleep.

Brent's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with the worst headache I've EVER had.

And I've had some pretty damn sore ones.

I turned to see an empty space next to me. I put my hand on it. It wasn't warm so she must've left awhile ago. I remembered falling asleep here when Kae went to get some clothes to wear.

I sat up. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and looked around the room. Now. Where'd she go. Mission: Find Kae...

I threw the covers back and stepped out. I shot up and my hand went immediately to my head.

"Ow" I groaned. I needed Advil or some sort of shit.

I walked out the door and down the stairs.

Kae had a black rubbish bag in her hand and was picking up cups, bottles and rubbish with the other.

"Hey babe" I walked to her.

"Hi Brent. How's your head?" I'm pretty sure she knew the answer...

"Fucking sore. What bout you?"

"It was sore, but it's way better now" she stood up straight.

"That's good"

"There's a pill in the cupboard above the fridge" she pointed to it.

"Okay. Thanks" I walked towards it and opened the cupboard. I looked through it and found what I was looking for. I grabbed a couple and put them onto my hand and poured myself a glass of water. I put the pills on my tongue and swallowed them down with the water.

I put the glass in the dishwasher and shut the cupboard door.

I walked out to see Kae trying to tie a knot on one of the rubbish bags.

The Choices We Made (A Brent Rivera Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt