Chapter 30- Last Day!

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Katie's P.O.V

*Skip to Friday*

"Katie? Wake up. Last day of school" I felt someone's lips press against my forehead, which I'm assuming are Kian's. He's been waking me up his whole week, which surprise me since he's always sleeping when I get back.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

"Time?" I mumbled, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"7:32am. You got about an hour" he said quietly.

"Okay. Get out. I'm gonna get changed. I'll meet ya downstairs for breakfast soon" I swung my legs out of bed and let the cold air hit my skin. I shivered.

"Go!" I shouted, laughing slightly. He was standing by the door. Staring at me.

He laughed and shut the door. I walked over to it and locked it.

I turned to my dresser and grabbed my clothes. A flowy tank top that fades from pink, to orange, to yellow, and my pastel yellow skinny jeans. I slipped them on along with clean undergarments. I didn't have enough time to have a shower. I did last night so it won't be that bad if I don't.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my hairbrush. I brushed through it, getting rid of the knots, and tied it up in a high ponytail. I placed a pastel pink bow just above the hair tie and left it. I have naturally straight hair if I brush it, but curly if I leave it tied up for awhile.

I applied some mascara and blush. My skin was pale-ish today and I don't want to seem like a fricken ghost. I rubbed on some lip balm and looked at myself in the mirror. Eh, good enough.

I put everything away and wandered out of the bathroom. I collected my phone, makeup bag, and my lunch before putting them into my bag and zipping it up. I slipped on my socks. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and stumbled down the stairs.

"Hi" I mumbled before sitting on a stool next to Kian.

"Hey. You look gorgeous today" he winked.

"Thanks. Last day today!" I said excitedly. I was glad schools over. I get to go to MagCon with the most amazing people in the world, and hang out with my friends, and sleep in.

But cheer tryouts are coming up a week after the summer holidays start, so I gotta trial with Livy for that. They're a couple days before we leave for MagCon LA, so I hope I don't hurt myself at all. I have a history for hurting myself. A year ago, I sprained my ankle quite bad. Took 3 months to recover. It wasn't that bad because I had the guys and Livy to cheer me up. They guys came over frequently and would carry me up and down the stairs if I wanted something that they couldn't get. Since they lived close enough. I told them not to, considering I might hurt them. But they said it was fine. They honestly are the best.

I grabbed an apple and bit into it. I don't usually eat much breakfast. An apple or a slice of toast each morning is enough for me. Which is strange.

"You ready?" Kian asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh. Yup. Just let me get my shoes on" I put my bag down next to my apple and grabbed my matching yellow pastel hightop converse. Something you might wanna know is I'll always wear high tops. Don't know why but I just hate the low cut ones. So I don't wear vans unless I feel like it. Which isn't very often.

I tied up the laces tight and pulled my jeans over the top of my shoes.

"Ready" I said as I swung my bag over my back and picked up my apple.

"Sweet. Let's go" Kian grinned.


"OKAY LOVE YOU" he yelled back.

"LOVE YOU TOO" we walked out the door, just shutting it like we always do.

"So you're dropping me off at school?" He nodded.

"Thanks. It means heaps" I grinned.

"You're going to Brent's tonight because you have a party, aye?" He asked, not looking away from the road.

"Aha" we drive in silence. But it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence.

Kian's P.O.V

"I'm glad you're staying with us" I said as soon as we stopped outside her school.

"Me too" she smiled and pulled me over to give me a hug.

"Bye Kian!" She yelled as she ran towards the school.

I drove off, going back to the house to fall asleep for another 48 hours.

Brent's P.O.V

I saw Kae walking towards us. I miss having her at home. I'm glad she's coming back this weekend.

"Hey Kae!" Livy said hugging her.

"Hey Liv. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Last day today!" She said excitedly.

"I know! I'm sooo glad. No more school. YAS BITCHES" Kae shouted the last part so loud you could probably hear her from miles away.

"Shut it!" Hayes chuckled.

"Love you too, poo bear" she smiled, rolling her eyes.

"You know it" he winked.

We walked towards the school when rain drops started falling onto the ground.

"Not rain" I groaned.

"Ugh. I hate rain. Oh well" Nash shrugged.

We all headed our separate ways, except me and Kae because we had the same class.

Math was probably one of the most boring classes. The teacher was about 60 or 70, and he took everything seriously. It honestly annoyed me so much to be honest. I tried to pay attention, but Katie just played on her phone or texted someone.

Next we had social. Which isn't that bad, the teacher is a women in her mid thirties. She's pretty chill about everything. But doesn't like when we text in class. But she doesn't take away our phones. But I respect her, so I don't text in that class.

Then I had English, while Kae had art. We only and three periods today because it was the last day. Which I thought was awesome.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of class, and into the hallways.

Most students through all their notes into the air. But why? You'll have to pick it all up, or someone else will have to. I honestly don't get it...

The rain has cleared up, and he sun replaced the gloomy clouds in the sky.

Looks like Mother Nature wants us to have an amazing summer...

Katie's P.O.V

It was Gilinsky and Johnson's last day today. I was gonna miss having them at school... But that also means that Caleb and Dylan are leaving! Which is awesome.

But knowing Gilinsky, him and Johnson are throwing an end-of-year party at their house. Me, Brent and all the guys are invited too.

He better not invite Madison, Brooke, Dylan or Caleb or I'll kill that guy...



Hey guys!

It's awesome because when I update, I get at least 20 reads on it. It means so much to me that y'all enjoy reading this

But anyway, I wasn't at school on Thursday and Friday because I'm sick. Which sucks, I might add, and I had a huge amount of time to update so I've got about four chapters ready to update and another on it's way

I just want to slow down on my updating schedule. Because I update almost every couple of days. And I want to make it t least every five days.

I hope y'all can understand.

Love ya 😘

Stay Frantastic 😜💋

Bye beautiful's 💕

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