Chapter 7- A Broken Home- Literally

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Katie's P.O.V

I hardly slept at all last night. A huge storm hit our town and it was so loud. The wind was blowing all night, and the rain was splattering on the window panes and the walls. I felt so tired, I just didn't want to do anything all day.

I leaned over and checked my phone. 13 new text messages. Woah. 12 from Brent, and one from Jack.

I looked at Brent's.

Breeeennttyy: Hey kaee

Breeeennttyy: The storm is huge!

Breeeennttyy: I can't sleep. Oh and I have to tell you something else

Breeeennttyy: It's important

Breeeennttyy: It's about Jack

Breeeennttyy: I'll be over at 12 to talk

Breeeennttyy: Are you there?

Breeeennttyy: Text me when you get these

Breeeennttyy: Or I'll just randomly show up at your house

Breeeennttyy: Like I usually do

Breeeennttyy: But this is important

Breeeennttyy: Really important...

Jack 💕: Good Morning babe xx

Wow, what's so important that Brent's desperate to tell me? I texted him back an 'Okay' and checked the time. 9:43am. Ugh. I lazily got out of bed and slumped downstairs and made myself a piece of toast with Nutella. I would have Peanut Butter, but I've learned to hate it since Brent's allergic to Peanuts. Plus Nutella is like spreadable heaven.

I finished my toast and went upstairs to shower. Not sleeping makes you really gross and I felt like a hot shower.

I hopped into the shower and the warm water hit my cold skin, and I couldn't feel more relaxed. I'm pretty sure I took about a 30 minute shower. Oh well. I put on a magcon sweater and leggings and decided to tidy up my room. It's one of those days when you just feel like doing nothing.

Once I finished cleaning, it was 11:03am. I grabbed my laptop and went onto Netflix and put on The Fault In Our Stars. I've seen it before. I don't know why everyone cries during it. I was about halfway through the movie when I heard a loud crash.

Brent's P.O.V

I was busy scrolling through twitter when I heard a crash. I got instantly scared and walked slowly down stairs. I didn't see anything till I looked out the window.

I shouted up to my family and told them to come downstairs quickly. They all rushed downstairs and we went outside. I saw a huge tree, that we always climbed as kids, that had fallen on top of Katie's house. Right above her room. I would know because her room is straight across from mine. I got so scared so I just rushed in her front door, ignoring Brice yelling my name. I ran up the stairs to see Katie collapsed on the ground.

"Katie!" I screamed running over to her and sitting next to her. "C'mon Kae. Wake up baby." I said putting her head in my arm.

"B-Brent" she whispered. Her voice rough.

"Yeah, yeah. It's me. Are you okay?" I said worriedly.

"I-I'm fine. I heard a crash I stood up to see what it was when the ceiling fell. I thinking something hit my head, but I feel alright-ish" she tried to sit up. She winced in pain.

"No, c'mon" I cradled her in my arms. "I'm taking you downstairs and we are going to the hospital" I said walking down the stairs.

I saw my parents and they ran to me.

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