+ 00:01

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HER EYES SLOWLY open and she takes a few blinks to realise she ended up on her own bed, one pillow at her side and the other she is cuddling with.

The clock's ticking at 09:02 a.m., her phone can't stop vibrating on her nightstand. She closes her eyes again and takes any pillow that she can reach and buries her face on it.

"Chaeyoungie," a female voice calls out from outside the door, "are you awake?"

She removes the pillow and stares at the closed door, she sighs, "I'm awake." with a small voice which somehow sounds like a whine.

"Are you on your phone right now?" She asks again, this time she's more careful when she vomited the words from behind the closed door.

"No, but it can't stop vibrating! Do you want to take it unnie?" She returns as she makes an effort to sit on the bed, looking around then ends up looks at her makeup mirror.

On the right edge side of the mirror, she finds a collage picture containing four silly different facial expressions from two people. She smiles and crawls to the mirror to take the pictures.

" — Chaeng do you hear me?"

She snaps her head to the door and then she realises she is still locking the door, that's why Jisoo can't get inside like she always does.

"Ye, yeah!" She lies but then she carefully puts the picture on her makeup table, crawls back to her bed and buries her face on the mattress.

"Can you at least open the door so I'm sure that you're fine?" Jisoo asks from outside, she can hear the others says in a whispery voice is she crying? they should have known by now that the walls aren't that thick in this house.

"I'm fine, I'm just still sleepy." She answers as she rests her chin on the pillow. She didn't lie, she's still sleepy after the last night gig which lasted until midnight.

And it's a new year now, splendid.

She doesn't realise the voice is finally gone and she is finally left alone again.

Somehow she feels relieved that they give her space. She mentally notes to give them a thankful gift and a bear hug but now she just wants to be alone.

The phone is vibrating again, thrice. She groans and doesn't want to know how much notifications she has got by now. Even after she turned off her notifications and even after her boyfriend deleted some of the apps in her phone so she won't see anything unnecessary for today — she still gets lots of notifications.

Until the ringtone interrupts her full mind, the only ringtone for the one and only one. Quickly she takes the phone and answers it.

"Hi." She greets as a smile creeps up on her face.

He chuckles, "for someone who made a fuzz on the internet today, you sound pretty happy."

The blonde girl crosses her legs on the middle of her bed, takes the big famous pink rabbit plushie, the one that designed by her boyfriend, and puts it on her lap. "Why would I not?"

"Let me guess, you still haven't looked at the news?"

"Do you want me too?" She pouts, she's sure he can imagine her pouting at him but her eyes are playful.

"Go ahead," He says. Now she's surprised, he actually gives permission for her to check on the internet — the social media, what? "But only with your twitter."

"It's literally just you, my fansites and a few friends of mine and the boys and blackpink." She tells him again, just in case he forgets that her private twitter is just for stalking her fans and finding reactions to her gig, also some idols she's friends with.

"Yes, I know that. Could you please just do it?" He asks and sounds so lovely despite sleeping barely four hours.

Last night when she arrived at her dorms with the rest of her members, he called her half an hour later. They always call each other before sleep since the distance is involved in their relationship, or when they miss each other so much, facetime is the best solution.

And last time, she remembered before falling asleep, it was four in the early morning.

"Fine, let me call you again in a few - "

"No, you can't hang this phone now, take your laptop and log in there. Remember, don't you dare look at other things besides your private twitter." He warns her.

She nods even though he can't see it and takes her laptop which is lying on the other nightstand. She starts the laptop then when things are set, she logs into her private twitter.

"What should I search here?" She asks, now she's curious and wants to know everything.

"Just scroll down and you will find it."

"If this is about us being exposed by Dispatch then I don't want to know." She blurts out, it's not a lie though. She really doesn't want to see anything on social media today or for the rest of the year.

He chuckles again, raspy but sounds restless, did he? She is about to ask him if he got some sleep last night, he might be pretending that he's fine with all the trouble out there now but he obviously thinks about it more than she does.

" — baby, just scroll down your twitter." He says.

And she does what she was told, first she finds her fansites supporting whatever relationship she's in and she smiles.

But it falls off as soon as she sees her fansites trying to defend her but it seems like his fansites are angrier than she thought they will be. She can't read it, it's too much.

Scrolling down fast and there she finds an official statement from both companies, funny how this time her company confirmed in a heartbeat.

"Is that far down there or you have left me to sleep?" the boy asks on the other line.

She puts him on speaker and puts her phone beside her laptop. She frowns, "I don't know what you are trying to tell..."

And she finds it, it's from him, freshly uploaded 25 minutes ago on his bangtantv channel.


"Have you found?" He asks she nods then she realises it does not face time, so she gives almost a half-whisper to him a yeah.

"That's how I tell the world that I have no intentions of letting you go, Chae."

She smiles, obviously blushing - it's obvious but thank God he can't see it or he will probably pinch her chubby cheeks again. She just stares at the title for brief seconds then slowly pulls her index finger to get the cursor closer to the link and clicks.

G.F.C in Ten Days (with ROSÉ)

She watches it as his eighteen million subscribers too.

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