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some dramatic turn-away

THE DAY FINALLY came when they won't see each other since they have to rehearse their performance for new year's eve shows at nation channel.

It was evening when they still inside the practice room, perfecting their choreography and rehearsal their special stage for closing the show.

They did great from morning till now but —

"Yaaaah, maknae snap out of it! You spent more than enough with Park Chaeyoung this week!" Hoseok snapped his fingers in front of the youngest who just stand there staring at the mirror.

They should have practised the special stage for new year's eve show on nation tv till they break their backbone but somehow the youngest managed to space out in the middle of a rehearsal with Hoseok. It's Jung Hoseok who mentored them but Jungkook decided to spaced out, the youngest really have a death wish just now.

Yoongi nudged Jungkook's shoulder to snap him out, and it worked.

The youngest looked up at the older and gave him a confused look, "why are we stop?"

That's it.

Hoseok about to fight that beloved of maknae but Namjoon held his hand to stop him.

Taehyung ruffled his raven hairs in frustration and let out a sharp sighed, "come on, let's just start over, and Jungkookie, focus."

Namjoon clapped his hand together and asked them to back to their positions and one by one everyone did as leader said but didn't forget to give a warning look at Jungkook.

They started with Jimin and back up dancers, grooved neatly to the remix that Yoongi made a few weeks ago. Then it was Hoseok and Taehyung as the hope of this world counting from one to eight out loud.

Namjoon clapped like a seal from behind three of them who danced to the choreographed, Yoongi shouting another encouragement like choa choa, since they realised their steps become clear and neat after no rest rehearsal from the morning.

It's almost Jungkook time to show his part in the special stage and the youngest tried so hard to stand on the ground.

Hoseok already gave the youngest a death glare from the mirror — well, don't get him wrong, he loves Jungkook dearly but he thought everyone should know when to put their professional on and put aside their personal problem for a second.

Jungkook nodded and stood where he supposed to be and wait for his cue, Jin from behind him shouted 2, 3! And both of them jumped to started their choreo, Hoseok clapped his hand to keep Jungkook and Jin tempo right.

Until her face suddenly shows up at the mirror, he stopped and frowned, "okay quick question; what is the meaning if your girlfriend suddenly pulled off from a ki — "

"Jeon Jungkookieee!" Everyone whined at him and Jungkook's eyes grew widened when he realised he messed up the fucking choreo again.


Just when Jungkook about to defence himself, Jin pointed out the door and he rubs his forehead with long sighed, "go." The rest of bangtan snapped at the oldest with a confused look, "go to her and tell what's bother you since this morning, come back to the dorm instead here when you finished."

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