To my shock, I actually discovered that their bodies were way different than a human man's.

I swallowed my nausea, realizing for the first time that no matter how similar to a person these creatures may have looked on the outside, on the inside they had more important organs than a human did, and the ones that should have been in specific places were actually in others.

I flipped through the pages and studied the process of being turned, how it would become increasingly painful as it changed the body. In males and females alike, the new organs and internal body parts would begin to grow rapidly during the first stages of infection and would cause intense stomach and chest pain, even breaking and cracking ribs to make room.

Heart attacks and ruptured lungs were common during the first three weeks of the turning.

Many people didn't even survive since the regeneration process would only begin after two months or so had passed.

Sebastian has the ability to get pregnant, I realized, eyes widening in shock. Richard, Kyle, Leo, Jun, and maybe even Woody! Oh, my God! They... they can have kids like a woman...

I trailed off when I came across the actual scientific reason for the ability.

I narrowed my eyes and dug into it, chewing lightly on my lower lip.

According to the book, there had once been a time thousands and thousands of years ago, over ten thousand at least, where werewolves had almost gone extinct. As a result of those hard times, the bodies of people being infected with Lycanthropy had begun adapting.

With each new person who was turned, the disease had supposedly mutated until men had been able to get pregnant during their rut, and women could withstand pregnancy much better as well as the eventual childbirth. Supposedly, it hurt far less due to easier dilation and a wider vaginal canal. I cringed at the well-sketched descriptions and comparisons of the bodies to humans, but looked at them regardless since they were visibly obvious.

Werewolves really had somehow adapted over time.

"I need to talk to him about this later," I muttered, deciding to move on. "I mean, he obviously knows about it... he's been alive for five hundred years! Plus, I can remember a time when people would sometimes make porn and fanfiction about guys getting pregnant, but I never..."

I trailed off since I didn't know what to think or how to feel.

Plain and simple, this was bizarre, and I didn't understand it which was why I wanted to talk with him about it. I ended up setting the book back on the bed and flipping the pages back to where I'd been before, moving past the sexual stuff to the powers. I got settled back into reading and put my chin on my palm, digesting information about a lot of different things.

Eventually I came across a segment about a power that only Alpha wolves could possess.

Something called The Touch

My eyes widened as I read about how an alpha werewolf could psychologically freeze any creature of choice through abrupt physical contact and a solid mental focus... but, like Sebastian had originally told me when we'd first met, it was written down as being completely unbreakable.

Even if the werewolf let go... whatever he used this power on would, reportedly, die.

The body of the affected would begin to suffocate itself and eventually asphyxiate. I clutched my throat and broke out into a cold sweat, shivers prickling my spine as the realization of how close I'd come to dying back then hit me full-force.

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