"So how are you Ally?" He asked with a smile, sitting down and taking off his round lens red glasses. He ran his thick brown hair. 

"I'm alright I guess." I replied. 

"Okay, so first I'm going check your heart." He said. 

He had me take deep breathes here and there as he put the cold stethoscope to my chest. "Now, I need to do a few more things, which would you like me to do first?" He said, bending down just a bit so he was head levle with me. 

"What are my options?" I asked, the corners of my lips turning up a bit. 

"Ear check, throat check, or blood drawing?" He replied.  

"Oh God." I muttered. "I don't wanna have a needle stuck in me. I'll do the ear and throat first." 

"Alright then." He said, standing up right and grabbing his otoscope. "Say ah." 


He looked around in my mouth for a moment, shining the light here and there. "Now close your mouth that's disgusting." He said. I gave a giggle. He rubbing the top of my head before looking in my ears. "Alright now. Time to draw your blood. Don't worry, it won't hurt that much." 

I rolled up the sleeve of my sweater and looked away. And after a quick pinch he put abandage over it. 

"Which one?" He asked, holding up two different patterns of wrap. Yellow bananas, or purple with stars on it. 

"Purple." I replied. 

He tossed the yellow and wrapped up my arm. "There you go Ally." He said, patting both of my shoulder as I stood up. 

"Thank you." I replied. 

"Have a nice day." He called out as we left the room. 

"You too!" Mom and I collective replied.  


My mom and I walked through the door and she started towards the kitchen and I started going up the stairs. I stopped. 

"Uh, hey mom?" I asked. 

"Yeah honey?" She replied. 

"Can I talk to you for a second?" 

"Sure thing." She answered with, sitting at the table with a cup of tea. She handed me one as well. "What is it?" 

I took a deep breath and held it in for just a second. I wasn't sure how to get it out. I wanted to tell her about Frank and I. 

"So um, what ig I told you that there's this boy." I managed to get out. "And, I liked him, a lot, and he liked me, a lot. And what if I told you, that this boy, was.... Frank." 

She didn't say anything for a moment and then gave a laugh. 

"What?" I asked. 

"That's pretty funny." She said. 

"W-why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Because Frank is gay." She replied, still laughing a bit. 

"What? Y-you... He's not.." Oh my God." I stuttered. I put my face in my hand at that last part. "He's not gay mom!" 

"He isn't?" 

"No! Why the hell would you think that?" I chuckled. "I mean, it wouldn't really matter that much to me, except, well, how I fell about him, but besides that." 

"Well, he's never shown interest in girls, and he always is around one." She explained. "I just thought he wasn't interested in girls, that's all." 

"Okay than." I said, standing up. 

"Wait, but you two, really?" She asked, taking a sip of her tea. 

"Yeah." I replied. 

"I dunno about that." She took another sip saying.   

"W-why not?" I asked, hysterically chuckling. 

"Because, I told you Ally." She replied. "I don't think it'd be a good idea for you to be involved with him anymore than you already are." 

"But mom!" I protested. "You can't do that to me, or to Frank!" 

"Listen Ally," she continued, "I just don't think it's a good idea. I'm your mother, you will listen to me and if I say you can't do something, then you cant." 

Tears flooded my eyes. 

*Knock knock* 

I turned to go get the door. I opened it to see Frank with a smile on his face which I couldn't return right now. 

His smile fell as he saw that I had tears in my eyes. "Ally what's wrong?" He asked, stepping in, I leaned against the wall, he put a hand on each of my shoulders. 

I looked down and didn't reply. He looked over at mom. "What's going on?" 

"She's upset that I said it wasn't a good idea for you two to be in a relationship." Mom replied. 

Frank's expression fell and his jaw slightly dropped. "B-but, Mrs. Shores, you d-don't... You don't understand." He stuttered. 

"I said I don't want my daughter to be in a relationship like that with Frank." She excited the room saying, grabbing her teacup as well. 

I ran up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door behind me.  



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Some People Hope (Frank Iero Fanfiction Carry On This Way Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now