Chapter 2: Has The Game Started Already?

Comenzar desde el principio

"You're gonna do all the rules you have to do, right?" N-lo asked. I nodded.

"I mean, I don't wanna die on purpose." I responded.

"Who does?" She asked.

I shrugged, not knowing how to respond.

"So what was your game, A-de?" C-on asked.

"Somethin' about imposters."

"Did it explain anything?" H-la asked. I shook my head.

"All it said was Imposter Advisory." I said.

"That's great. How are you supposed to figure that out?" N-oh asked. I crossed my arms and shrugged.

"Exactly my point."

"Come on now, guys. A-de's smarter than she looks." N-lo said.

"......Thanks?" I responded.

"Why does everyone keep saying I'm smart? I'm like the exact opposite." I thought.

N-lo smiled at me.

"Well, let's just get t' class." I said. Everyone nodded and followed me.
In art class, I could barely concentrate.

Instead of drawing, I was racking my brain for my imposter warning. I was "drawing" plans on how I might survive.

But none helped.

On my final plan, I looked it over, but then I realized it didn't make any sense. 

I laid the plan down, leaned over, and smacked my head onto it. All my friends looked at me.

"Are you okay?" H-la asked. I didn't raise my head up from the paper.

"Nah." I said.

I raised my head up from the paper a little bit.

"Screw it all. I'm just gonna fight whatever comes my way." I said.

"Sounds like you." N-oh said.

"Yeah." N-lo said.

I raised up my head from the paper. I looked at all the other plans. I gathered them up, tore them up, crumpled up the pieces, and threw them all into the trashcan.

I sat back down at my seat.

"I just wonder who my imposter is. Still don't get who'd wanna be me, though." I said.

"There you go again, A-de." N-lo said. I looked at her in confusion.

"With what?"

"Doubting yourself. If someone wants to be you, then it must be for a good reason." She said.

"N-lo's right. Can you think of anyone you might've been mean to, A-de?" N-oh asked.

"There's a lot of people I was mean to." I said.

"I think we've all been mean to someone at least once, A-de. But I think he meant recently." C-on said.

I crossed my arms and tried to think.

"Well, l'see......there's this one guy who was weird and I only knew 'im for about a week or so, but I don't really wanna talk about it." I said.

"Anyone else?" H-la asked.

"Hm....well, a kid bumped into me a few days ago and I told 'em to watch it." I said.

"Maybe it's the kid. You never know what goes on in their heads." N-lo said.

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