Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The morning has come and Raphael was going to know what was so different about her, about Celia Porta. He got changed and brushed his teeth before opening up her files. He spread the papers out on his bed and put them in the order he thinks they go in, it took him a while to put then in the correct order but he did it. Once he finished he started to read them.

Name: Celia Porta

Age: 15

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Sibling(s): Belle Porta (Recently Deceased)

Parents: Adalia Hernandez Porta and Travis Porta (Recently Deceased)

Race: Half Mexican/Half French

Gender: Female

Favorite Color: White mainly, Purple, Blue (Like Frozen).

Allergies: None (mainly pollen and at times a runny nose but not important).

Information(s): She has no other family members, they died young and the rest of her family is in Mexico. She can't go back to Mexico due to the incident two years ago. After the incident, Adalia and Travis Porta moved to France with their now only daughter Celia. They recently hired a bodyguard who was going to protect her now whenever Adalia and Travis Porta have pass.

Engaged: Fabien Ambrose

Hobbies: Eating, Sleeping, Singing, Reading, Listening to music, Dancing (only to Mexican music), Hitting people (a lot).

Activities: Is a three year champion of the Karate Club (she was able to transfer to a new school) and is a prodigy in the Juno Club. She is a black belt in both clubs (she didn't kill anyone....yet).

Criminal records: She has no criminal records.

But she has gotten detention multiple times due to hitting (almost breaking) her fiance's arm. The teachers ask why she did it, the only response she gives is "It is called Tough Love, but I don't love him," She has about maybe ten detentions to the school's records, but who's really counting.

Fears: Philophobia.

(If you have any questions either ask yourself or get your lazy ass up and look up this shit).

The rest of the papers were worn out and illegible to read. Raphael put the papers down and just stared at them. "Fuck, I don't have a computer to look up what Philophobia is," he said placing the papers in a neat pile. His phone was only for work reason so nothing can really help. He put the papers under his mattress to read later as he got up and left his room.


Celia went out for a walk, she really needed to clear her head. How can she see Raphael now that he knows what's wrong with her? If he even knows what that is. Does he? She goes out to the lake and stares at the ripples in the water. She grabs a pebble and flicks it, watching as it bounces over the water until it goes down in the bluish green abyss.

She takes her phone out and sends a picture of it to Colette, as soon as she sends it she calls. "Hey, Cole I'm bored can you come over?" she asks.

"Hey um sure and I need to be there for you once Fabien comes over and tries to take you away. You lucky I'm only a couple of minutes away if not then Fabien would of beat me to you. Anyways I'll see you in a few bye," Colette hangs up and stops to put gas in her car.

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