"Where are we going to go now?" Brianna whispers.

"Don't know. We need to figure out how were going to get out of here. I highly doubt we're going to be able to take one of the cars at the front of Moen. That's where the military's probably at." I wipe my face with my shoulder.

"Do you know if there's another way out?"

"The only way would be to run through the entire corn field and that's close to impossible. You saw how big is was when we first came here. Plus, the corn's a maze. There's no way we would be able to make it all the way to the main road without getting lost."

"If only there was some way we could see over the whole field and know which way to go."

"I have an idea." I say, "It's a long shot but if we can make it to that tree I used to spy on Naomi and Darren in the middle of the corn field, we could use it to see which way to go. It's high enough."

"What about Cameron and everyone else? We can't leave them behind."

"I know. Let's try to find them on the way to the tree, and if we can't then we'll have to pray that they made it out and we'll see them again."

"Okay." Brianna sighs. I can tell she doesn't like the idea of leaving them behind, but that's the only thing to do. The only safe thing to do. I know that's what Cameron would want. Be safe. That's how were going to get out of this alive. Be safe.

"There's one thing we have to do first though." Brianna says with a small smile. "You don't think I forgot about the cat, right?" 


After arguing, I decide that even though I think going to get the cat is a huge waste of time and can put us in undoubtable danger, that leaving the poor thing trapped in that small backpack in Jaw's cabin is animal cruelty, and Brianna would hold it over my head forever.

I know this setback could possibly get us killed. But, I need to make Brianna happy– we'll I don't. But I don't know if I could live with leaving my childhood pet in a place like this. Besides, Jaw's cabin in on the way to the tree. We'll be quick. If we're quick, there won't be anything that will go wrong right?

Summer this is a bad idea. Stop trying to convince yourself that this is the right thing to do.

"Follow me." I whisper to Brianna.

We hide behind the villager's tents, jumping from one to one like we did earlier in the night. But, most of the tents are torn to shreds and harboring bleeding corpses. So, the best we can do is run from one to another hoping were not seen. 

When we get to the last standing tent, I notice a group of military soldiers marching down the path that leads to the washing hole. With no where else to hide, I pull Brianna into the tent and slowly zip it closed.

I watch them walk into the clearing through the mosquito netting on the side of the tent. They shine their flashlights over the massacre of flesh and nylon, and I duck when the light flashes onto the tent Brianna and I are in. The next thing I know, I hear screaming coming from behind us. I see the shadows of three dark figures stumble across the back of the tent. The shadows disappear, and their bodies appear in sight of the soldiers. I watch their guns instantly rise in defense.

"Help! We're being attacked by– by these monsters!" An older lady says. She hides behind the man she's with, and that man is gripping onto the shoulders of a young girl, probably the two's daughter. The older woman is wearing a purple t-shirt with sequins, they slightly reflex the moonlight off them. The sequins on the wounded arm she's cradling with her other are tainted red with blood.

The Road to NowhereNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ