Part 5

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Calum's P.O.V ( yas, I know exactly how you are feeling right now because I think this will be a Cashton fic yeh. It will make sense in this chapter, trust meeeeee!)

"Oi, Cal! Your staring is so obvious, it hurts my dark heart." I blinked a couple times, turning to look at an annoyed Michael. He noticed my expression and started laughing. "My god, lovestruck much? God, I'm dying." I kissed my teeth at him, turning back to where my attention had been before being rudely interrupted by Michael. "So, want to finally admit you're in love with Ashton to me? I promise I won't tell a soul, not even Lukey." Mike said with fake sympathy in his voice, his cocky smirk never leaving his face. I punched his arm lightly, earning a growl from him before a short chuckle. "Fine, you douche..I do like him. But he would never like me back."

"What do you like about him? Its good to talk about these stuff, y'know?"

"Well...He is just so perfect. His dimpled smile, bright hazel eyes that dance with true happiness, a laugh to die for, and his personality just makes me melt because he is so funny and innocent and caring and all around adorable. My heart yearns for him, for his warmth, his smile to be directed at me and only me. I dunno, and before you start the whole 'why not confess your feelings and crap' thing....Its not that I'm confident that he hates me or something, its just that I want to be sure that our feelings are somewhat mutual in a way...But I don't think anyone can feel the love I feel for Ashton towards anyone." I heaved a heavy sigh, staring at Ashton who was in the kitchen, helping Luke cook the dinner and laughing at something Luke had said. He turned his head to me, still shaking off the laughter before grinning brightly and waving at me. "Dinner, in 5, 'kay?" Ash called towards Michael and I. I gave a nod and flashed a smile before looking away, staring off into space before strumming a chord on the guitar that rested on my leg. "You really have it hard, man. But, just make sure you don't loose him to someone." Michael piped up, sitting there as I strummed random chords and notes and tunes on my guitar. I chuckled softly, still staring at a space in the wall blankly, returning my attention to Mike. "I would never let that happen, Clifford. What, are you planning on swooping in and taking him?" He laughed quickly, shaking his head calmly and sitting back.

"I don't mean me, mate." I cocked an eyebrow before glancing to the kitchen again, just noticing how close they had been to each other.

"Do you mean Luke?"

With the silence I got in response to Michael, I took that as a yes.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Mike, Cal! Dinner is ready." Luke called to the two from the kitchen. He smiled at me once more before taking some plates to the table, me following with the food.

"Mmm, that smells so good! Where the fuck did you learn to cook, Hemmings?" Calum said as he sat down in the seat next to mine, smiling to me softly. I smiled back and laughed a bit.

"I didn't learn, I already knew! And Ashton is a perfect cook, if you haven't noticed yet, you dumb shit." I couldn't help but laugh, Calum soon joining in.

"I know he can cook perfectly, okay? Nothing new!"

"Oi oi oi, guys. I don't cook that well.." I said, trying to hide my blushing cheeks subtly, failing. Luke reached over the table and poked them, grinning.

"Lies, you cook wonderfully. Where did ya learn?" Michael said, cocking an eyebrow as he devoured his plateful.

"I self taught myself how to cook for my brother and I because my mother worked a lot when we were a bit younger and since she was never around and our father left long ago, I had to learn how to cook, clean, care for my brother, and go to school too. Having no free time was fun." I gave a sad-like laugh before staring down at my food, trying hard not to glance to my arm or Michael.

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